Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Kathy Janes
  • Female
  • Carmel, IN
  • United States
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Kathy Janes's Friends

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  • Pam and Ginger Snap
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Kathy Janes's Discussions

Doodle in Utah shelter!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kathy Janes Aug 12, 2012. 27 Replies

Doodle owners helping doodles

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kathy Janes Mar 3, 2011. 12 Replies


Mater loves his Doodle friends!

Latest Activity

Laurie, Fudge, and Vern commented on Kathy Janes's blog post The Golden in Goldendoodles.
"I am so sorry about Mater and hope Ozzie quality of life continues to be great!! "
Jul 5, 2019
Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie commented on Kathy Janes's blog post The Golden in Goldendoodles.
"Kathy, I am so sorry you are going through this with Ozzie. It must seem like a continuation of  Mater's illness.  We don't have pet insurance and would have to weigh the financial burden as part of any decisions for…"
Jun 28, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) commented on Kathy Janes's blog post The Golden in Goldendoodles.
"I'm so sorry to hear about Ozzie :( We lost Luna to lymphoma last May and had decided palliative care was best for her, she was gone 2 months after diagnosis.   I've been trying to convince DH to get pet insurance as cancer rates…"
Jun 25, 2019
Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom commented on Kathy Janes's blog post The Golden in Goldendoodles.
"I am so sorry to read that you are going through this with Ozzie so soon after your loss of Mater.  Both such adorable doodles.  Ozzie's path sounds very similar to Sophie's path with Lymphoma.  Almost immediate remission,…"
Jun 25, 2019
Pauline Rackley commented on Kathy Janes's blog post The Golden in Goldendoodles.
"Hi, Saw your post about Mater. I still visit this site after losing my Zeus in Sept 2018 to hemangiosarcoma. I agree it was a nightmare roller coaster ride. He was almost 11, but their lives are never long enough. I don't know if I will ever…"
Jun 24, 2019
Kathy Janes posted a blog post

The Golden in Goldendoodles.

It seems like forever since I was on my DK page.  I used to spend hour here and felt like I knew everyone!  But life changes.We lost Mater to hemangiosarcoma in May 2018.  I can still be caught with tears whenever I think of him or someone mentions him.  More than our heart dog, he gave so much to others.  Thousands of hours of therapy visits with R.E.A.D. in school and with my husband at the VA every Tuesday for over 8 years. If you didn't know him, he is the big, shaggy red doodle in the…See More
Jun 23, 2019
Kathy Janes commented on Ginny Nightingale's blog post Retiring from the puppy raising business
"Oh my gosh - those are some of the cutest puppies I've ever seen!  On your post, I can certainly understand retiring from puppy-raising.  That is the hardest part of breeding dogs!  Puppies are a lot of work, so congratulations…"
Jun 23, 2019
Kathy Janes commented on Linda Jansing's blog post Scout has crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge
"Such a sad situation.  I just read both of the recommended articles and found both to be quite good.  Until you have lived with such a dog, you have no idea the stress involved.  And in many cases, you can almost sense the dog's…"
Jun 23, 2019

Profile Information

About Me:
I'm a doodle-aholic I think! Thankfully Tom, my DH, keeps me from becoming a hoarder! And I think that's really close to the truth! I love these dear dogs so much! My kids are grown and only the grandkids now can hold a candle to these dogs (and, of course, Tom)!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
My husband and I have a goldendoodle named Mater, along with two cats. Mater and one of the cats are best friends! Bradley only weighs 8 lbs,and Mater is 80, but they love to get under the dining room table and play. We recently adopted a DRC doodle, Pippin. He's an adorable mini and so sweet!

Update - May 6, 2011 we added a black F2b named Ozzie to the family! He's a goof! We both wanted a black Goldendoodle.

September 3, 2018 - As you can tell I haven't been here a while. Our two cats and Mater have all crossed the Rainbow Bridge. In 2016 we added a parti-color Goldendoodle to the pack. His name is Gilligan (Gilly) and he is a sweetheart. For a time we had 3 Goldendoodles and a rescue, and I loved it. In my heart we still have 3, but only 2 are physically with us. The new puppy is, of all things, a Golden Retriever. The same breed that lent Mater all of his illnesses! But I couldn't get a doodle. Mater's jersey is retired and our grief is so great.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Breeder, Rescue
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I've owned many breeds and shown several. When we lost our yellow Lab I knew we didn't want a shedding dog. I love long haired breeds and my husband prefers shorthairs - but when we met our first GoldenDoodle we knew exactly what we could happily compromise on!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
I love to take Mater to agility and have been working with him to do Animal Assisted Therapy and get his Delta certification. Tom takes him to the park nearly every day. Before Tom retired, Mater went to work with him daily.
I just realized it's been awhile since I updated this. Mater has been doing therapy work for three years now! He loves it, especially with the kids who do tricks with him and interact with him. He likes to be read to, and to visit the adult day care too. He is going to start working at the VA hospital now as well!
Ozzie is passed puppy and novice and is now in advanced obedience with Mater! He does agility too, and I hope he can become a therapy dog as well. So far he isn't as outgoing as Mater always was. He's more my sidekick and sticks close to me.

Feb 22, 2015 - wow, a long time since I've updated my profile! Busy with a full time job and lots of volunteering with Paws and Think, Inc. and three registered therapy dogs! I guess life is good, but I think I'm too busy to notice! Love this doodle family though!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I do weekly, but every two months we take him to Platinum Paws
Favorite Doodle Products?
Les Pooches brush - a true Godsend!
Miracle Brush is just as good I've found!
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

PitaPata Dog tickers 

Mater is named after Tow-Mater, the rusty tow truck in the movie "Cars". Mater in the movie is goofy and rust colored, and so is our Mater. In the movie Mater loves to go tractor tipping. Our Mater goes toddler tipping!

To see Tow-Mater do his thing, go to:


PitaPata Dog tickers

Comment Wall (101 comments)

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At 7:36am on April 24, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Happy Birthday Kathy!  Hope your day is wonderful and filled with love, fun, celebrations and great big Doodle kisses:)  

At 7:30pm on October 3, 2012, Pam and Ginger Snap said…

Do you know what breeder Pippin came from?  He is the perfect size! 



At 1:33pm on August 18, 2012, Joanne ~ Spud* said…


So nice of you to stop in on my page.  It was very nice to receive your notes today.  Funny, I never planned my page and the profile picture to match, but sometimes a personality just comes out  without even trying :)

The page was for Starlit~ may I never forget her ( although I really can't talk about her much and never was able to when she was with me.  She was unique, lovely, and very troubled sometimes.  But she was my girl and she loved us with all her heart  :)

The moon picture came from my love of Stars and Moons and photography.  It started as  joke, but the picture really does show Spud and his jump for joy with life. 

Nice to hear from you, Cathy. 

At 12:38pm on August 18, 2012, Andrew Bliss said…

Thank you so much for the welcome and kind words.  We can't wait until next Sunday when she comes home with us.  I really like and appreciate this site and the great people that come here.  I think it is such a valuable resource, and the kind people I have spoken to so far have really been wonderful.

P.S. I am in Utah...I noticed someone posted something about Utah below.

At 7:01am on July 29, 2012, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

The only person I know in UTAH, is Camilla and Darwin.  She is a busy young lady: college, a new apt, and just moved.  Possibly you can contact her, and if she can not help, she may lead you to a closer member who can.

He is adorable!!

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Kathy Janes's Blog

The Golden in Goldendoodles.

Posted on June 23, 2019 at 11:55am 5 Comments

It seems like forever since I was on my DK page.  I used to spend hour here and felt like I knew everyone!  But life changes.

We lost Mater to hemangiosarcoma in May 2018.  I can still be caught with tears whenever I think of him or someone mentions him.  More than our heart dog, he gave so much to others.  Thousands of hours of therapy visits with R.E.A.D. in school and with my husband at the VA every Tuesday for over 8 years. If you didn't know him, he is the big, shaggy red doodle…


TIME! at last!

Posted on March 7, 2015 at 6:23am 13 Comments



George's progress

Posted on October 13, 2012 at 11:05am 4 Comments

This is George's baby picture when our son first got him.  Cute little guy, huh?


His training seems to be going well, and Dustin flew down to Florida to spend a couple of days with him.  He'll be home in about a month.  I'm sad that Dustin and his family missed the adorable puppy stages, but they will have a better experience with George being through most of…


the new guy was shipped off!

Posted on September 3, 2012 at 5:21am 11 Comments

I've been so distraught, but am finally getting over it.  After two nights with baby George my son and daughter-in-law decided they couldn't deal with a puppy!  Two Nights!  Poor little guy was only 8 weeks and they were the first two nights away from him mom and siblings.  Oh my, and he peed and pooped on the floor too!  I think they forgot what puppies were like - or at least my son did.  His wife hasn't ever had a dog and isn't really a dog lover (though I don't understand that anyone…


Puppy's first visit

Posted on August 19, 2012 at 5:40pm 3 Comments

No pictures tonight, but George came over for his first visit.  Ozzie really wanted to play with him, but Oz is huge and George is only 9 weeks (but huge for 9 weeks!).  Harriet wanted nothing to do with him - clearly she wants to remain the baby of the family!  Mater was his usual chill self, welcoming George and then just hanging out. George kept trying to see if maybe Mater was his mom, but the biology was totally wrong! It was funny, but he kept nuzzling up under Mater whenever he…



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