The following is information about recent activity occurring in Indiana. Please read and feel free to pass along this information to others in Indiana. If someone has purchased (or attempted to purchase) a dog from this woman, please notify officials.
The mission of PetShopPuppies, as our name implies, is to focus on the commercial wholesaling of puppies to pet stores. However, our goal is to end the suffering of dogs in puppy mills. Because of our Indiana Campaign of Awareness, we are often contacted by citizens of Indiana who have purchased sick puppies through newspapers or from the Internet. When this happens, we do try to help the consumer by researching the breeder.
Several months ago we were contacted by a woman who purchased a puppy from the Internet which was diagnosed with parvo shortly after the purchase. The original ad posted on the Internet listed Ernest Woods as the seller, but a woman named "Dottie" reportedly delivered the puppy to the customer. Operating with very little information, what started as a simple Internet search turned into a four month investigation into one of Indiana's most notorious dog breeders, Tammy Gilchrist.
PetShopPuppies began working with Channel 6 News and the Attorney General's office, as well as the consumer who purchased the sick puppy. We shared with Channel 6 and the Attorney General's office a list of over 25 alias names that Gilchrist has allegedly used to sell puppies on the Internet, as well as numerous phone numbers and email addresses. Below is a list of the alias names we believe have been and/or are being used by Tammy Gilchrist to sell puppies.
Tammy E. Gilchrist
Tammy Workman
Tammy Killea
Sam Workman
Samantha Workman
Ernest Woods
Becky Stanley
TEKS Kennel
AKA Kennel
Affordable Pups
Kritter Heaven
WRW Acres
Kritter Killea
Puppy Finders R Us
Tri County
Dotties Dogs
Penny Willows
Lacey Bennington
Stacey Picas
Channel 6 news aired the story on Monday and Tuesday of this week.The news stories can be found here:
State and county officials searched the Owen County property of Tammy Gilchrist on Monday, examining animals and reportedly removing one very sick dog who later had to be euthanized. As a result of the search, officials reportedly found dogs living in a dark building, in stacked crates and unhealthy conditions. Many dogs were nursing puppies, and some were pregnant.
The case of Tammy Gilchrist goes back several years. In March of 2006, Indiana Attorney General Steve Carter's office sued Gilchrist, alleging that she failed to deliver dogs, sold sick animals and operated without a proper kennel license. The Attorney General's office said it could document that 14 out-of-state customers either gave Gilchrist money for a puppy that was not received, never received a shipping refund, never received papers, or paid for and received a sick puppy that later died. The state estimated that Gilchrist owes consumers and the state in excess of $65,000. That suit is still pending.
We strongly encourage everyone to read the allegations of the lawsuit. The court document can be found here:
Shortly after the suit was filed, Gilchrist got a kennel license and signed an agreement that she would turn things around, Call 6 reported. As it turns out, nearly three years after the state filed suit against Tammy Gilchrist, she is still in business. Since signing the agreement, Call 6 reports that more than 23 new complaints about sick or undelivered dogs have surfaced. Of the 50 complaints Call 6 has confirmed, Gilchrist has refunded the money, provided the dogs or provided kennel papers for seven customers.
What you can do:
1. If you have purchased a puppy from Tammy Gilchrist, please contact the Office of the Indiana Attorney General at 317-232-6201, Channel 6 News at and Representative Van Haaften at
2. Please contact the Owen County Prosecutor, Allan Fountain, at 812-829-5005 as well as the Indiana Attorney General, Steve Carter, at 317-232-6201 and ask why more is not being done to stop Ms. Gilchrist from committing these alleged crimes.
3. Please send a note of thanks to the Indiana Deputy Attorney General, Ms. Summers, at as well as Channel 6 News at
Please thank them for their work on this case.
4. Please circulate the list of alleged alias names as well as this link to Tammy Gilchrist's photo:
5. Please let common sense be your guide:
*If a breeder insists to meet you in a parking lot to sell you a puppy, regardless of the reason, this is a red flag that something is wrong.
*If a breeder tells you that you cannot come to their home or you cannot see the parents of the puppy and their living conditions, regardless of the reason, this is a red flag that something is wrong.