Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, it may be a TAD early but Joanne mentioned that it was about time for a calendar discussion and I agree! You can never start too early!

Post your photos for critique, ideas or suggestions here. As well as any other questions about composition, editing, or anything like that. There are some seriously talented photographers in this group, it's great to take advantage of their knowledge! Below is a link to the photo guidelines from last year for submitting photos. I will post an update if the guidelines are different when Adina posts about it this year.

Also, it may be helpful for any who had their photos in the calendar last year, to post the photos they submitted, and the chosen photos. Then everyone can get a better idea of what works and what doesn't.

here is last year's discussion, with a link to more information about the calendar

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Here is one I snapped of Darwin today. I do like this one, it may be a tad boring. Luckily I have time to keep trying. :-)

And some that I am considering that I took earlier this year and last year...

Downside: it's not quite big enough, so I'd have to size it up which would lower quality.

Downsides: dark, also vertical. Upside: holiday photos have less submissions.

Downsides: not too happy. Upside: holiday photos have less submissions.

Downside: vertical, hat is odd. Upside: holiday photos have less submissions.

Great shots of Darwin, Camilla!

I'll take a calender of just Darwin, Thank you.

I was thinking the same thing : ) So cute

Me too!

Aw, Darwin says thanks. :-)

I  especially love the one you thought boring. It is really a great doodle close-up.  I have not taken many pictures of my guys this year but I do like these.  I think most of them have been cropped too small to use though. Plus you can see my amateur photoshopping.  This is one of Ned that I really do love and will definitely submit:

The second one with Clancy it.

Love the second and last!!

Lovely portraits Nancy.

Nancy, Those are two cute Doodles :)

I like them all, but especially the second one! Such gorgeous boys!!



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