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Plain and simple be it city or country.

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Very beautiful Anne!

Thanks Lonnie.

On Monday we went to the Natural History Museum in Exposition Park in LA. It was a rainy day, so what is better than a museum? I liked the street scenes as much as the museum, which is wonderful.

Random walker...

This is going to be a 16 story snowboarding ramp for an upcoming festival...

I think this guy must have been late for work...

The museum...

On the way home. There are many homeless encampments along the freeways... :(

Great street scenes PJ.  I love the random walker.  We are fortunate here, small town America, in that we don't have a large homeless population. 

Thanks Anne. I hoped that first shot would turn out ok...just stooped down and tried to hold the camera still enough. Hee. As for the homeless, I always tell myself... "There, but for the grace of God, go I."

I often count my lucky stars also, PJ.  I am grateful that I am not one of the people trying to stay dry under those tarps.

Love the angle of the first shot. And I say the same thing to myself.

These are such interesting pictures, PJ.  I especially was intrigued by the snowboarding ramp in black and white.  Catching it with the workmen was perfect!   I really had to search for your late-to-work runner.

Thanks Nancy.

The are all nice street scenes.  I love the black and white especially.

Thanks DJ.



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