Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Happy New Year all. Do you realize this is the beginning of our 3rd year and we have 334 members? Loads of photos under the bridge to mix metaphors. By a slim margin from our few responses it seems the vote is for different perspectives this month. Pictures taken at ground level, from a dogs perspective, up, down you name it because in the end we all enjoy seeing good, interesting or different things. For a change I actually started this today. I'll put some photos in a reply since I'm sure you get tired of seeing the same thing on every page and it takes up response room.

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Cute.  Haley would not get in it.  He doesn't like water.  He fell in our garden pond (it was in the winter) as a small puppy and think that's the reason.

I went out again today for another photo shoot.  I am taking an On-Line class from PPSOP by Bryan Peterson who has many books published.  Today's assignment was "Silhouettes with the Sun" which have to be taken at sunrise or sunset within 10 minutes.  Well, I flunked that one today.  Gracie and my DH disappeared a few minutes before the perfect time was there so this was all I got.  Back to the drawing board again tomorrow but rain is predicted again :(  But here is the bonus...I got the GREEN FLASH!  I don't know if you have ever heard of it but it is just as the last sliver of sunlight hits the horizon.  Neither of us have ever seen it and I got it through my lens without even knowing.  DH never saw it because he took Gracie for a walk.  What an amazing thing!! 

Gracie's Perspective of the Sunset


The first one is so cute (they're all great of course) and the green flash one is really cool!

The green flash, I think someone once discussed it here. These are all lovely Nancie.

Here's a discussion. Is there anything we haven't talked about?

Cool F...others have seen it too.  Thanks for looking this up.  I think the people who live on the East Coast probably haven't heard of it because it is a sun setting over the water thing and the sun sets in the West!!!  This is something most people go a lifetime and never see...I am soooo excited to have captured it in my camera...whoooo hoooo!

Some of us do travel but I've never seen it. I first heard of it here in that discussion, DK the great teacher : ) You were really fortunate to capture it in such a great photo.

That is amazing. When we lived in Hawaii we were always watching for the green flash! Never caught it on camera. Incredible.

Wow, sunset is REALLY different when there are no mountains. How stunning!!

These shots are amazing....spectacular!  You must be taking the same class that I am....Understanding Exposure?  Our assignment for next week is also Silhouettes, although it's pretty difficult for me.....there is NO sun.  I started a discussion to share learnings from the class with our group....maybe you could add to my notes?

YES Jane...I am taking the same class!!!!  How exciting and yes, same subject this week.  We are having rain for the first time in months this week so our sun is not around as much.  Yesterday was the day and I got all set up and started testing my shots with DH and Gracie.  We went to the cliffs by the ocean.  Then I told him we needed to wait about 10 more minutes for the sun to be almost down...they went for a walk and didn't come back!!!!  WTD??  Rain again today.  I am going out of town on Thursday so I only have today, tomorrow and Wednesday to get the shot.  I did notice one of the questions posed by a student on being late with the's OK.  I'll go look at your discussion...didn't know you had posted one.  Thanks!

More beautiful shots Nancie.  Congratulations on the green flash!



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