Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, I made it under the deadline. How about water in all it's guises from one drop to the ocean. Doodles and water. Rain. Or anything at all. It is summer and we can be carefree. wishing everyone a happy Canada Day, Happy Independence Day and a lovely month.


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Awesome. Blue is definitely a Vern color.

Here's an anything at all. I saw this hummingbird yesterday with no camera. So today I lay in wait about 40 feet at least from the Bee Balm it seems to like. I only had my 24-300 lens. I don't have a longer lens. Handheld.But I took I million shots and got a few. Not the sharpest but proof!

To get the real perspective

I LOVE hummingbirds.  I went on a garden tour and one of the homes had about 10 feeders along the edge of their patio.  There were several kinds of hummingbirds.  The rest of my group lost me because I stayed on the patio taking pictures of these beautiful creatures.

What a little cutie! We have a lot of hummingbirds in our neighborhood. They seem to love bright colored flowers.

They do and red tones are a favorite.

Nice, F!  They are so hard to get because they move so incredibly fast.

I was shooting at 1/3200 of a second :-)


Awh, what a cute little bird. You did a great job in getting that action pic.

Wonderful hummingbird in habitat captures F.  I have many flowers including those of the mimosa tree that they visit but I rarely capture them at flowers.  I don't have the patients to sit and wait for the fickle little birds.

Thanks. Yes, I was determined to sit and wait but I don't do that often.
Thanks all.



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