Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Any kind of flowers will be great. Taken now or favorites from the past. Annuals, perennials, single or fields of them. Flowering shrubs and trees. Flower arrangements. Flower girls : ) With people or doodles or just about anything.


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Great photos! But that first one with the striped caterpillar--wow!

I agree, F. What a great pic and such an interesting creature!

Wonderfule photos.  I love the caterpillar too!  I don't believe I have ever seen one quite like that.

Beautiful Anne! I think it might be a Monarch Butterfly caterpillar! What do you think?

Not Anne, but it sure looks similar to me.

It was an open question. :)

Just chiming in (because I have a butterfly garden) that it definitely looks like a monarch caterpillar, so the flower it's on might be some kind milkweed, which they both lay their eggs on and eat. I have them in my garden year-round, and have been lucky enough to see a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis!

Wow that would be amazing! I would love to see an emerging butterfly!

All the butterfly exhibits I could find in Oregon are way up north. Those places often have displays of emerging butterflies and you can watch them and see them dry their wings off prior to flying. Guess you'll just have to plant a butterfly garden : )

That would be wonderful! I"m going to check around this area and see if I can find one that's not on the web. I'm getting so many large trees on my property that it is getting tough to grown anything here anymore with all the shade! :(

Another one of those appearances, when you see something you just talked about. This is less than 10 miles from me. From today's paper:

How wonderful! Are you planning to pay them a visit?



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