Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

How would you feel if next year, we had 2 PG members join me as a panel of judges for photos?  
Perhaps 2 individuals who didn't want to submit photos?  Or 2 LD people on a GD calendar panel and 2 GD people on an LD calendar panel?  I would be the tie breaker?

What do you think?

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I think that's a great idea, and I'd definitely be willing to help.  Honestly, I don't know how you do this each year with the number of submissions and the great quality of photos.

Being a graphic designer I know the process all too well. It doesn't have to be a one person job. The larger projects that I work on usually require a team of people.

I think giving Adina some help will only make the calendar better. 

Ask a group of High School students or college students to complete the calender as a learning project?  In college we designed a lot of projects for companies. Of course, there was only one winner that the company chose but we would be graded on selection, design, and group project.   

This eliminates loosing our participants, relieves Adina from the lengthy process, and teaches students.  

Could be photography students, graphic design students, etc

Oh no!  I would not give it away to a bunch of students.  The logistics of that are not at all attractive.

I am positive that even participants can be helpful judges.  Let's say that Spud was a goldendoodle calendar 'star' for 2015--that wouldn't at all ruin your ability to help judge photos for the labradoodle calendar or lotsa doodle calendar.  Heck if I KNEW that spud's photo was GOING TO BE in the GD calendar the moment I saw it, you could still very easily help choose the other 12 photos (cover included).  That's how much I trust my PG members.

Celebrity Apprentice?   He used to get his two groups to design projects for companies and have a deciding winner  

I know, Let's call Donald Trump. He is such an opinionated jerk I am sure he can  have this solved in moment. 

How does the printing of them work?  Do you have to do so many of each calendar and hope they get sold or are they printed as they are sold?  Reason I ask is that if it is so difficult to decide which ones to cut, maybe make 2 versions of each?  That way more people get in the calendars or those who have incredible pictures have to buy two calendars, lol!  Obviously I have no idea what goes into the process once the photos are selected.  It just appears the hardest part is narrowing it down to which ones get in.

Printing is on-demand so there's no waste.  But as much as it would be great to include more photos...there's a point past which it isn't special anymore and people can make their own calendars if we include every single decent know?  There has to be some end to it.  Making more calendars is more work and the actual making I can't farm out as easily.  

I have driven 10 hours today and had time to ponder this discussion. I just read through all the comments and these are my thoughts. I certainly have no problem with a couple of people helping Adina make her decisions, but I also understand and agree about the comments regarding more changes for DK.  One of my worries, however, is who gets picked to help with the calendar. The PG has already had several fractures within the core group over different issues and I would hate to see calendar selections get mixed up in all of that stuff. I find Adina to be fair with selections and that is why I am comfortable with her doing the selections.

Secondly, I like FB for all the reasons listed. I keep up with my large family on FB, but I don't see why clues, etc. are only, for the most part, given on FB. The calendar is about Doodles and this is DoodleKisses and it seems to me that here is where the discussions should be and I guess I feel strongly about that because it seems that more and more of our members have gone over to FB and rarely post here at all.  We need to bring back that community feeling and fun here on DK and not FB.  There has to be something here to keep people coming back.

This calendar means a lot to all of us and I know I work hard all year to come up with selections and I would hate to think they get limited to 1 selection just to make it easier. Even 3, in my opinion, is not enough, as I feel a greater variety makes for a more interesting calendar. I just want the integrity of the calendar to stay the same and I am always happy to help out, but I will continue to enter too. Unlike Camilla, I am competitive :)

Funny I made a similar comment on a photo Adina posted on FB rather than here.

Are you trying to say we agree on something? LOL

Once in a blue moon it happens : )

I won't be limiting photos to 1.  5 is a lot and sometimes overkill, but I'm also happy for that really good 5th photo.  It's only annoying when 5 really bad photos get sent in or 5 perfectly delicious photos get sent in ;-)

If members go over to FB, it is not because of my posting on our FB DK page.  They aren't finding a doodle group that is 'better' on FB--they just happen to spend more time there because it fulfills more areas of their life...that's my guess.  Our DK FB page is our representation on FB.  This discussion has not gotten as many views as a single one of the photos I posted on FB has.  I want to show off our DK calendar photos.  I find it is easier to post 'news' and 'updates' there quickly and reach more members.  Easier than sending an email that usually gets ignored or deleted (my guess).  



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