This is Joy Williams' discussion with a link to a website with camera tips.
Here's a link to a great web site with LOADS of tips on cameras, shooting different kinds of things, basic photography and much more.
It has a forum with tons of info and you can sign up for a weekly news letter that has lots of info and a "weekly assignment". Tips for the "newbie" photographer as well as the very experienced ones.
They really have a wide variety of topics that they do articles on. I subscribe to the weekly email newsletter that comes usually on Thursdays or Fridays. Just in time to play with it on the weekends. We've really had fun with it and also love looking at all the great photographs that are posted after the "weekly assignments"
Jo, do you want to re issue this discussion under your own name since it is your discussion? If you do I will delete this one. I just wanted to follow Kendra's ORDERS and move it to a discussion.LOL