Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This is for photos you are thinking of submitting for the Calendar and that you would like to show us. If you want more detailed critiques and/or editing help I have started another discussion for that. I know there will be overlap and possibly a mish mash but we can handle that. Don't forget to check the guidelines.

I'm stating early because the calendar submissions need to be in by 9/22. seems like the submission period gets shorter every year.

Remember that vertical shots only go on the multiple doodles per page calendar. If you want a chance at a full page you need horizontal shots.
*******All Photos Must Be Embedded and be sure to check that you photos are of the correct size!
*******SUBMISSION DATE 9/22******

Views: 15698

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Just had a quick glance but these are so much better and with a bit of editing you should have a few keepers. Your photography has improved a whole lot in a short time.

Donna, which would you suggest I submit for editing and where do I submit them?  I thought it was here.  I'm new at this and prejudiced since I love my baby and he always looks adogable to me LOL!  So I'd appreciate a suggestion of which to submit for calendar. Oh and by the way, he has a brown mustache so that is NOT a shadow :)  I really like the one in front of the bush and flower without the hat (should have had it on him there but someone suggested some with and some without the hat so that is what I did)

How Much is that Doggie in the window?

This is a cute pose and good photo. However if you submit it you need to remove the "frame" since that is not allowed under the guidelines.

Great thank you 

Very cute!

This is also one of my fav's. A lot of the ones that are good are portraits ;( 

This is a terrific picture but unfortunately it is way too short on pixels.

Love the light and the angle of this photo. looking at the file info there is no data attached to this image. If you can get a higher resolution version it might be a great option for the calendar.

OK, took a bunch more today, please let me know if ANY of these are any good


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