Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have a predicament, and I'm not sure the best way to handle this, so any advice would be appreciated:
Our 2 year old doodle LOVES to swim-a little too much!!  We have the steps into the pool fenced off, and up until a couple of weeks ago, this seemed too work to keep Kachi from jumping in.  However, he had a light bulb moment a couple of weeks ago, when he finally realized that he didn't need the steps, he could just jump in like he does when he's playing fetch and swim all around, and use the swim out ledge to hoist himself out!
(Unfortunately, we can not fence off our entire pool because this would solve all the problems!)
Well needless to say, he now thinks if the sun is shining, and he's out in the backyard longer than a minute, he might as well take a dip.  It's getting so annoying, especially since our 2nd doodle, eggs him on by throwing a ball into the pool, just so Kachi will go in after it (she won't get in, but loves to run around the edge, barking, while he swims-another huge annoyance!).

My problem is: I want to teach him that 'No Swim' means exactly that. We've been using time outs (into the house), and 'Down-Stay's, whenever we tell him 'No Swim" and he disobeys, (and starts to go in anyway), but it doesn't seem to be working. Since he learns everything so quickly, I think there is probably a better way to train this. I should add that when he does swim, and play water fetch, he is good about listening and obeying when we 'down' him for a rest (and to calm him down). He is
very patient while he waits for us to give him the release. So bascially, we are just failing at teaching 'the 'WHEN' he can swim'.

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Replies to This Discussion

I can't help you here because I have the same exact problem. Java Joe swims at least 2x per day in the summer and it is whenever he wants to do so. I gave up last year and shave him down in the summer to facilitate drying. I am anxiously watching your discussion for tips. I need them, too!
We are definitely in the same boat!!
Kachi is in his last week as a doodle with fluffy white fur! He, and his sister, Halle (because of her antics-she grabs Kachi by the head as he gets out of the pool (like she's pulling him up)), so she gets as wet as he does- they are both getting the extra- cropped look!!! Mainly because, in addition to trying to get them to dry, they're both turning into matted messes!! I can't keep up!
I wish I could help you but I have the same issue but a little more complex. Mercedes loves the pool but my Beamer will only go into our creek. He comes out smelly but won't go into to the pool to rinse off. I would love for both to be pool brats but he adds the beauty of our natural setting to his habits. I purchased one of those dog washes that attaches to the hose but I need to find the best shampoo/conditioner to pour into the cartidge. Any suggestions? Needless to say I have to wash Beamer everyday even when he is out for a quick break and Mercedesis only a problem when she has chased a ball for a while and gets hot and then goes in to cool off. But the problems deepen because the creek is "open" all year long. Ugggggg
Oh dear! Yes, I guess a sign that read "Closed to Swimming Doodles" would not be too effective, would it?? Ha! Gotta love these guys-they could care less how chilly that water gets!! I can't imagine how cold the creek must be sometimes!
It certainly sounds like you need a good oatmeal shampoo that smells yummy, AND is conditioning!! We get one for Kachi called Earthbath Oatmeal and Aloe. Not only does it smell great, if either pup has sensitive skin (like Kachi), it helps relieve dryness and itchiness!
By the way, do you like the dog washer attachment?? I've been thinking of getting one. It certainly looks like it would make 'rinse offs' a breeze!
Thanks for the input on the shampoo, is it easy to find or do I need to go on-line or health food stores? I love the attachment. The compartment where the shampoo goes in is not large so I keep a large bootle close by when I am washing them and the soap runs out. The sprayer lets you apply soap (you press a button on the handle) and then rinse (release button)without having to use both hands to work in. I beleive it was around 20-30 $$. I use it everyday on Beamer!!
You can go to, and put in your zip code to find your nearest retailer that carries it. They have several different varieties. And thank you, I'm going to check out the sprayer.
By the way, I love dogs' names! So cute!
Thanks so much. I will look for that brand. Have a great day,



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