Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It is ironic that Frannie just posted the discussion about her Kindle, because I am currently trying to decide between the Nook and Kindle. For all of you owners, what do you like, and dislike about your choice? And a totally different question... can you browse other things like facebook, gmail, etc. on the wifi models? Thanks in advance! 


We chose to buy the kindle 3, with 3g. It is AMAZING! I can't believe how much like a book the screen is. Also, the internet is way amazing. I can go to Google images, Facebook, doodlekisses, any of the sites that I assumed I wouldn't be able to. Of course, it's in black and white but it's still cool. I don't really plan to do any browsing beyond e-mail and looking up numbers or addresses but it's nice to know that it works so well! It is WAY easy to put the pdfs I already own onto it. I just plug it into my computer and copy it into the folder. Tada! I am so excited to continue reading. Thank you everyone for your suggestions! 

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That's a good suggestion. There is an apple store at one of the malls - maybe I'll swing by there this week. Or tonight :-). I have used both a kindle and a nook before (friend's kindle and nook at Barnes and Noble) and liked them, but liked the kindle more.
Just got an email from Amazon (in response to the complaint I sent about my changing date) and now I will be getting my Kindle by 9-10-10. I just don't know what to think anymore!
That's pretty interesting. They must be giving you priority handling because you complained. I'm not sure I like that, but I guess it's pretty standard business practice these days. Anyway, it does benefit you and it solves your that's good. I just hate that you have to complain to get good service.
I hate that also - especially now that I feel interested in the ipad!!!
Oh no! I have been patiently waiting for my email to tell me when I might expect delivery of my Kindle......whaaaaaa.....looks like I won't have mine til even later October! Maybe time to buy
shares of Amazon stock?
I've thought about purchasing one of these for awhile, but wondered if I would miss the actual experience of holding a book, and turning pages. I see Laura said she misses the ability to leaf back through something. Does anybody else miss the experience and feel of the actual book?
Well, revisiting this discussion I have to say this has been SO helpful to me. We had to put off buying for a while because of other expenses that came up but are now ready. Still trying to decide. A few points/questions.

- I don't necessarily need to browse the internet on a kindle or nook, that isn't really why I was asking. I just want the option to be able to e-mail or look up an address if I need to while I'm driving. You know when you leave the house to go somewhere and realize you forgot the directions... (this happens to me more often than I would like to admit) So I just want the ebook reader to be able to access basic sites like gmail...

- I want to upload my current pdf books onto whichever device I have. I have lots and lots of them, that I currently read on my laptop (which sucks) so I need to be able to transfer those over. I read here that Nook can do that. Can Kindle?

- I don't really view the Nook or the Kindle as an alternative to an Ipad. I kind of view them as totally separate things. And of course, I DESPERATELY want the Ipad, but we are waiting until Google comes out with an equivalent tablet. We will definitely purchase that in addition to an ebook reader. What can I say, we aren't Apple people. :-) Samsung and Archos have come out with similar tablets too but I don't think they will be as good as the Google one. Honestly, I just can't handle something that doesn't support open source... I don't want to have to pay for every application. But that is kind of off topic.
I used to "read my laptop" too're going to love the Kindle (or Nook)! It's so convenient, easy on the eyes and I'm reading more now than I ever have! I wondered if I'd miss the physical connection with a book and I don't at all. I'm looking forward to getting the lighted cover so that I can read in bed without disturbing DH. I don't know about uploading your current should be able to go to Amazon and ask that question if no one in DK knows. I've used my Kindle to check email when away from home but truthfully it's almost more hassle than it's worth. But I'm not terrible savy with that techy stuff....someone else may find it easier. Also because of the small screen it's not so easy to read emails, etc. Great in a pinch tho!
Thanks for your response. yeah, reading on my laptop is the best I can do right now, (I have no space for all of the books I want!) but I don't know how much longer my eyes can take it!
After all my angst about what to get, I'm INSANELY happy with my kindle. I'm not sure on the PDF uploads, but I know if you go to Amazon's help section and put in your phone number, someone calls you within a few minutes! My kindle arrive on 9/10 and just 7 weeks later I've ready nearly 30 books on it (I bought myself the kindle for my b-day, and everyone gave me Amazon was AWESOME...additionally, there are TONS of free books available...from new releases to classic literature and these titles frequently change). There are also games for the kindle available. I have scrabble, and I can use it to play against the computer, or against a live opponent (like live in my house, vs person online). If you get the kindle, DEFINITELY get the lighted cover. It has changed my life (literally, because I no longer fall asleep with the lamp on and wake up in the middle of the night to a bright room). Let us know what you end up getting!

(ps - I just got the Google G2's ah-mazing!)
The iPad will do everything you want! It can be used as a Kindle or you can buy the same book as an iBook. I happen to like to read iBooks better because it tells you how many pages left in the chapter and the book. It also shows the time at the top of the page -- very helpful when you only have a few minutes. iBook also has a place in your library for PDF books.

Yes you can check your email. Yes it has maps and directions. And, yes, you can also listen to audio books.

Can you tell that I love it?!?
The problem with using the iPad as a book reader is the screen I think. Even though you can dim the screen, I think it would be similar to a laptop. I read a lot of books on my laptop already and it starts to hurt my eyes after a mere 30 minutes. Also, hard to read in the sun. I do really want a tablet and I'm for sure going to get one. But I am waiting for Google to come out with their version... :-) I have to say though, every time I go into the Apple store to try an iPad I'm kind of tempted, ha ha.



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