Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Tori just loves a good game of catch, but when she's done, she's just the cutest, most cuddly "sweet" potato!

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Around 8:00 pm Darwin becomes super needy and cuddly. We have dubbed it "cuddle time." I open my arms and say "It's cuddle time!" And he jumps up on the couch and settles on my lap. So funny, and so cute! I love the nickname "sweet potato".
Awwwweeee! I love "cuddle time" How quick they learn new words and phrases!
By the way, those are adorable photos.
Thank you!!!
Gavin is all needy and cuddly in the morning. He follows me from room to room and flops at my feet. Living room to bathroom to bedroom to living room to kitchen etc.. Night time is a different story, throw the ball, fetch the ball, throw the ball, fetch the ball etc.



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