We've had rain/drizzle for over a week here in Oklahoma and it's wet and muddy out. Any suggestions for keeping a big white doodle clean? Rain boots and a muzzle?
Yes, it dries and falls off. The problem is, it's falling off all over the house! I wish I could stop it from getting there to begin with. I suppose I could walk him on astroturf, lol.
Actually, i did put cheap rugs from the outside garage door to the door into the house and another runner in the hallway just inside. It helps at least a little with the paw prints.
Oh my!! Looks like your dood did a headstand!! His body looks relatively clean!! Someone on another discussion mentioned dipping each of their dog's paws/legs in a plastic pitcher of soapy water after getting muddy but it would require more of a bobbing for apples (tennis balls??) type scenario for this...probably not feasible ;o)