Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our medium labradoodle, 39 lbs. started limping yesterday while playing ball. We took her to the vet today and he said she probably had a cruciate ligament tear which would require surgery.  We are planning on getting a second opinion as the surger sounds like it requires lots of down time and money and the results don't sound so great.  Just wondered if anyone had experience with this in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area and could recommend a good surgeon.  I know we have posted this everywhere and apologize if its the fifth time you've seen it.


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Hi Sally and Frank,

I'm so sorry to hear that your labradoodle is having kee problems.  I live in North Scottsdale and our vet/hospital is Pinnacle Peak Animal Hospital.  If you can get an appointment with Dr. Izumi, she would be great for you.  She's awesome with animals, smart as a whip, and also handles surgeries there (although I don't know if she does knee surgery).  She would have a great recommendation for you, though, if she couldn't do it herself.  She is the doctor who diagnosed our Penny with mast cell cancer and sent us to the most fabulous oncologist on earth.

You can find all their info at their website:

Best of luck - keep us posted!




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