Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Darwin does the craziest thing. When he gets REALLY excited, he will rub his face all over you, and his excitement builds until finally he just buries his face in the couch cushions, your legs, or whatever is available. Then he just sits there, breathing heavily, with his tail wagging like crazy... with his head buried. It is hilarious, and reminds me of an ostrich. Does anyone else have  a doodle that is part ostrich? Does your doodle do anything weird when happy? 

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Darwin does the head butting too!
How cute. hehe:)

You've got to catch darwin doing that!  I'd love to see it too!  Zoe just does the twist..

That sounds sooo funny! I got the visual and started to crack up!! ( In the middle of the night when everyone's sleeping!!)

Yes, Chloe will stick her head between the couch cushions also. When she comes out she has a rocker hair do!!



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