Darwin is such a joy to have, and he's usually amazingly well behaved. Very easy to train laid back, doesn't bark, etc. But he certainly has his dark side, and I am always taken off guard when it surfaces! Here are a couple of his not-so-choice habits.
If I ever walk in on him chewing something he shouldn't have, he immediately flops down and pretends to be asleep, Trying to make it look like was never interested in said object. It's so hilarious that I can't stay upset for long.
He has never counter surfed but is a notorious knee-surfer. Just tonight I was curled up on the couch eating some tortillas I had made and I had them propped on my knee while I was typing something. He snuck up very quietly and as soon as I looked the other direction, went in for the kill. He delicately grabbed the stack with his teeth and slid them off my knee. I told him to drop it and then all of a sudden he acted like he wasn't interested in them at all.
Sneaky sneaky dog! Do any of your doodles act like precious angles one minutes and crazy demons the next? Do they deviously try and fool you like Darwin does?