Ex. When Huff wakes up in the morning and he sees us for the first time, he usually grabs his blanket and parades around with it. I have to get a video of it. It is just too cute!:) Do any of your doodles do this?
Aww that is cute! Cagney does not do that... but once you are up he grabs onto your wrists with his mouth and puts his slobber on you....awaiting the cookie jar .....he can't wait till everyone is up... because he loves to get his cookies in the morning...
mine parades around with the bathroom rug in his mouth when I say "OK I'll take you outside", as if to express his frustration and say "Well, it's about time!"
When Darwin gets really excited, he'll pick something up and bring it over to show you. It can be anything. A remote, a shoe, etc. He just finds whatever is closest and brings it to you. :-)