Taylor, Huff looks like he has a great character! Cagney also has some neat expressions when he wants to.... he has the most expressions when he is trying to really understand something you are saying to him... I checked out your pics of Huff ... very nice... I have a son who is turning 13 in Jan. and also a daughter who is 14 and another son who is 7.... they also like to take pics... unfort. something is acting up with my computer and I can't get pics put in it lately... will try another computer some day.... Keep taking pictures!
We were at a doodle romp and a boy there just plopped it on Ned's head for fun and I was able to snap the picture. Then I cropped out the background of legs and chairs and made it a close-up.
Doodle romps are like the best things ever!
My sweet BeauBeau has this really adorable face that he makes when he is disappointed about something. I wish I could capture it on camera! But he makes it for a few seconds ....and poof! it's gone. He sort of scrunches up his mouth, mostly the lower lip....I guess it's the doodle equivalent of our POUT. I just MELT every time he does it!