This is bound to be a hot one.
Before I begin I am throwing in the disclaimer that I do infact follow the modern reccommended methods of dog rearing (for the most part)...I use positive reinforcement like "the books" say to do.
But.... (here is the controversial part)
I dont know how much of the new modern methods are actually psychobabble intended to idiot-proof the general public to protect themselves from the dodo's of the world who will do things to an extreme. For example the breastfeeding thing is pushed so hard here. We all know it is baby's ideal food but I also know for a fact from an insider in the Northern Health Authority here that it also tends to help prevent lazy, ignorant, impoverished mothers of questionable class from making formula in an unhygienic way, from substitutuing cows milk, or even kool-aid in the bottle. Also in third world countries where the water source is contaminated the baby always has fresh, healthy breast milk. But a responsible intelligent person of resource nourishing a baby with a good quality formula is just as good. If one chooses to breastfeed, fantastic! But they shouldnt be strong armed into it with propoganda meant to save babies that actually need to be saved. I am not an indigent, transient, impoverished unintelligent person who needs to be pushed by nipple nazi's to breastfeed my baby. I am capable of nourishing him by the method of my own choice. Be it breast or bottle.
Then there is the "spanking debate" need to say more.
Now what I am getting at in the long roundabout way is that I dont know if I, truly in my heart, believe this new age method of "the dog doesnt have a memory so you cant reprimand her for peeing/pooping in the house unless you catch them in the act". I tell you ladies a part of me thinks this is baloney! The "old way" was to grab the dog rub his nose in it and out the door they went! I think those dogs got housebroken faster. Personally I am too much of a softie to be that harsh but I tell you it seems they really did get it faster.
And I dont believe the memory is as short as books say. If I come into the room and see pee on the floor all three dogs are looking at me guilty! (Even the old one who hasnt peed in a dozen years - lol) LOL So they know it is not kosher. If I walk towards the puddle of pee saying "who did this????" I will see little butts scurry away. They always know exactly what I am talking about .
I do show it to Kaela (praying I got the right dog - lol) and say "this is Duties! Duties NOT in the house" Then I put her out. I have done this with Abby as well. I dont just ignore it.
So it leads me to wonder how much of it is publicity to stop people from beating the tar out of their pets. To idiot proof the general public. To stop them from abusing their dog. Face it, no authority will ever say it is OK to spank a child for fear that people will take it as a licence to beat the tar out of them. And no public authority will ever say it is OK to reprimand a pet for fear people might take it as their right to abuse the pet.
I think it is OK to give the dog a mild reprimand for "duties" after the fact, and I think they do infact remember doing it.