Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A few days ago, a dog (doberman) came into the shop with a Coach brand leash. Huff could never have a Coach brand leash as all his leashes end up being thrashed and chewed. This doberman was a very beautiful guy, actually that was his name, Guy.:) He was a guard dog school dropout, he wouldn't bite. They took him to the pound and he was adopted. Now he is really loved!:) What I want to know is, do your doodles have Coach brand leashes or collars?

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Noooo sadly she doesn't but I would LOVE them.  I am a Coach purse fan :-)
awww.... I bet it would look good on her!;)
I heard somewhere that Coach discontinued their line of dog leashes and collars... I should do a search! I also am a fan of coach purses :) I wonder what other high end designers make dog leashes... I can see Hudson in a Kenneth Cole or something lol!! :)
There is a specific coach collar that I absolutely love. I obsessively watch it on ebay but it's always too expensive. :-(
My dood would probably chew up that leash!:)
I would love to have one for Charlie. But I could never justify spending that much $ for it!!
haha:) I think a coach leash would be perfect for a dood, not a prissy little chihaua however you spell it! haha
We don't have coach leashes- but Our pups are chewing theres up!  I have been sewing /repairing my Ayla's harness 3 times now!
hahaha:) I think you would at least have to get through the chewing stages first.:)
No, but I was VERY tempted when I was in the dog store the other day to buy one for Chetti.  Yes, you are right, my guyand gal dont thrash yet, but they are puppies still, I am sure it will happen as they grow.  I would love to get several collars and switch them depending on where we are going with them....I just think that would be fun!  Coach, Juicy, Michael Kors, DooneyBurk Ohhhh if I had a million that song!

Jewel would look perfect in a Coach leash!  She doesn't chew her leashes, so it would work just fine.  Where can I get one!!!  Her momma loves Coach bags!!

I spotted a Coach collar on eBay and bid on it.  I didn't think anymore about it but the seller then 'sent' it to me even though I didn't actually place the winning bid.   It turned out to be a Chinese fake and the unscrupulous seller thought they would get me to pay for a plastic knock off!!!! I had to post it back to China...that's the end of me and Coach and eBay.



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