Brushing and Combing your Doodle
Hi everyone..I wrote this down for my new puppy owners so I thought I would share it here.
1.think of dividing the chore into segments and finish one segment before moving to the next. That way no part gets missed.
* A) head including top, sides, muzzle, chin, ears, behind the ears** and throat.
B) neck all the way around
C) 4 legs including front, back, outside and inside.
D) back, neck to tail
E) sides and belly
F) chest from throat to between front legs **
G) tail
2.coat must be thoroughly dry. You can sprinkle the coat near the skin with baby powder to help dry the coat and the brush slide thru easier. Only do this if bathing next.
3.start at one foot….brush coat up the leg i.e. in the reverse direction to growth. from foot and start brushing down in tiny increments.
5.after an inch or 2 run the comb thru the brushed coat.
6.If the comb snags, find the spot and brush more. Pull out your matzapper at this time and use a product like Cowboy magic. up each leg this way, making sure you get all 4 sides of leg…outside, inside, front and back. *** When doing the back legs, make sure you brush under the tail
8.brush the back in a similar fashion…by starting with a brushing against the direction of growth.
*tip for whole chore….teach your dog to lie down on a table for brushing. Then you sit on a chair. It makes it more relaxing and you can add some dog massage at the same time
** tip for cutting out dense mattes behind ears and in armpits. Slide comb under the matte and cut with scissors along the side of the comb away from skin
*** tip for combing legs, do outside of one leg and inside of opposite leg while the dog is in one position.