Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi.  The picture is graphic, but my dog Matilda was injured.  I need comments on what you think it is.  This picture was taken 2 days after she was groomed by a new groomer.




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I hope Matilda feels better soon!
Thanks everyone for your comments and concern. The wound is healing and she is starting to come around to being her old self again. I have been taking pictures to document the healing process and the wounds just in case I have to go to Small Claims Court and prove this. The owner first has suggested to me that Matilda was injured before being groomed and then changed her tune and said the injury was done after the groom. Well we all know what it is like when we get a burn. First it shows red and is shiny (see the pic) and then a scab starts to form which is yucky looking, (I have that pic too) and then the scab starts to harden and then sluff off which has not happened yet. So if this was something that happened before the groom 1. I would know beforehand 2. The groomer would have told me. 3. The healing would have started earlier.
I wish I hadn't taken her there. I have heard from other pet owners (too late) their experiences with this kennel and the stories are not pretty. I can't say for sure that what they tell me is true but I do beleive them based on our experience.
One other note. Their website says they have a groomer that is certified and they mention her by name, but also on the website they have a picture of that groomer grooming a dog and two other women grooming another dog. There is no mention of who these women are. Strange.

One other thing I found strange about this groomer. When I took her in she asked if Matilda was immunized, which she is, but the groomer took my word for it. I think she should have called my vet to confirm it for not only the safety of Matilda but the safety of other dogs.

The lesson learned. I would not let a complete stranger babysit my child, so therefore I would not let a complete stranger groom my dog. I made that mistake and never will again. I will either have to groom her myself or get another groomer that I investigate first, that I gradually introduce Matilda to, over time and that I stay for the grooming. Dogs can't speak and it is our responsibility to protect them.
Please learn my lesson and make sure your dog is safe. My vet said to me that if she owned Matilda she would never trust a groomer and would learn how to do it herself. I guess there are lots of stories like mine in our city. What a shame.
I am so sorry that you and Matilda had to go through this. It certainly is a wake up call. I am really shocked that the groomer didn't ask for proof of the vaccinations. I've used two groomers and both times I had to bring in documentation from the vet. Although I'm not totally crazy about the way they do Guinness's face at Petco, the have a "zoom groom" which means they take him at the specified time and I get to wait (so I see everything that is going on). The other groomer who actually does a better job with his face requires that I leave him for up to four hours, and he is crated. That is now concerning to me, especially after reading your story. Thanks for sharing this...certainly something for me to think about. Let us know how it all works out, and I'm happy that she's back to herself.
Thanks Jane. She is almost back to herself. Last night it was really odd. She woke us up and was shivering. We brought her into bed with us and she still was shiverring. I put my terry housecoat on her and she fell fast asleep. I assume now that she was cold.

When I think about it and the lesson I learned I feel stupid. Of course I would check out a babysitter before leaving my child, but I never did anything prior to the groom. I will now.

And yes I was shocked that she didn't call my vet to confirm the vacinations which other groomers have done.

I am a avid animal lover. Not just doodles (which are the best in my opinion lol)
One of the side effects of a burn that bad is chills and shivering in humans. I had 3rd degree burns on my entire chest about 7 years ago that I spent a few days in the hospital for . The chills lasted several weeks on and off during the healing and I was told by the burn center this would happen. Did the vet say anything about some cool compresses? That is a large area she has burned and the heat that it continues to generate is so painful. My heart just breaks for her knowing how painful that has to be to her. I would be all over small claims court, people shouldn't be allowed to get away with this. I agree accidents happen but the lack of responsibility they are accepting is terrible.
Yes, sorry I forgot to mention that the Vet told me to ice her bum. Matilda is pretty much her old self again and I'm thinking of submitting a column to a pet magazine here.

On another note, sugar takes down inflamation. When Mati was a pup, her anus would pop out. I had to pop it back in and hold sugar to her bum to help with it.
Really sugar? Wow that is neat - I always wondered what I could do for that. Thanks!
Wow, I never heard of using sugar and I wonder how it works.
So do we call her "Sweet Cheeks"!!!! lol
Seriously, I would try to do everything I could to get that groomer out of business. Our trusting Doodles should never have to be put in this kind of situation. We do everything we can to make them trust us and allow us to work with their ears, mouths, eyes, feet, etc. so that when something needs to be medically attended to they will let the areas be touched. Then a groomer goes and does that!



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