Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My doodle seems to to have delicate paws. It seems like after she goes to the dog park and runs and swims continuously she comes home with a tear in her paw pad or a sore swollen paw. I use a paw protectant on regularly but this still happens. Does anyone else have this problem and what do you do about it?

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Yes, JD has this problem with his paw pads, and we use boots when we go to the dog park or anywhere he is going to be doing a lot of running.

Good to know! How did you get him used to the boots? Do they stay on? What kind do you recommend?

I got Muttluks, and they do stay on pretty well, although he occasionally loses one. You need to get them snug, (I bought a "medium" for an 85 lb dog) and then pull the straps tight.

I think there are several discussion here about various kinds of boots, if you enter "boots" in the DK search box. 

Thanks I will check it out!

My dog developed this problem 3 years ago. She is nearly 10 now. She got black spots on her feet and then the skin tore away. Washing and boots kept it under control mostly. We did allergy tests and came up negative. We did an elimination diet with no effect. Then we did a biopsy and the result was vasculitis. Still no answer as to what was causing the vasculitis. This year I wanted to hydrate her more before a Rally O trial we were going to because it was hot. I started giving her liver water about 4 days before the trial. Now a few weeks later she seems completely cured of her sensitive paw issue. She was getting organ meat in her diet, so it wouldn't seem to be the extra nutrition. Besides, the liver water I give is very watered down because the goal is just to hydrate her. Both the vet and I were very surprised the liver water had an effect on her issue. I am wondering if as an older dog she just didn't drink enough. Anyway, we are very grateful she is acting like a puppy again and even doing donuts on the gravel driveway when she sees her ball.

Jack's pad injuries are due to structural defects in his feet, which is genetic, and from what his specialist has told me, that's the most common reason for the types of injuries he gets. He has what is called "open feet", and when he hits the ground when running or jumping, the pads take more of the impact than they would if his feet were "correct". His pads are also very thin. There is no dietary "remedy" for this. 

Kirby also has very delicate paws.  When she was little, her paws would bleed if she played with other puppies on the grass or pavement.  The vet said her pads were very thin, and in time they might build up, like calluses.   That was 4 years ago.  Her paws gradually built up, so she can run and play with her dog pals now, but she is very sensitive to warm or hot pavement.  I like the idea of the liver water--maybe I'll try that too.

LiliBear needed to have her paws tended to again when we were at the beach.  

Here is a picture of her in her special boots called Pawz.  (purple balloon like on her back paws.)  I have also learned that I have a tendency to get her paws shaved (and the rest of her) prior to the beach and this adds to the problem of her paws her hurting her.  So she needed to have tender paw cream and antibiotic ointment put on her paws.  ~Leslie



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