Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My mom and dad (mostly my dad) are so against giving Huff a haircut that they won't even think about it. I don't know how to convince them but a post recently about Bella's first haircut. 

I love the haircut. I don't want Huff to be shaved or cut down a lot but since summer is coming and he has so much hair (about 8 inches worth!) I wanted him to have a little haircut so he can enjoy the summer but my mom and dad say it doesn't matter since he is inside most of the time. So, I have three questions, Is it better for their skin to have shorter hair? How do I convince my parents to let him get a haircut? And Will his hair look like Bella's if he got a haircut? Thanks so much for any help you can give me:)


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Huff's coat is very similar looking to Gavin's coat.  After he got it cut the first time it turned out to be softer and fleecier and a bit lighter. Maybe they will agree to a little trim to get rid of the tail end of the puppy coat.  It makes it easier to brush and comb too.  You could show them some pictures of different doodles on this site.  I think the usual fear is that they will turn out looking too poodley.  It does grown back very fast if they don't like Huff cut short.  Good luck. 
Simon had his first professional haircut @ 10 months old. I dreaded getting his hair cut, but the puppy coat change was making him mat in places. It made keeping his coat soft and mat free easier on him and me. Here's a couple of pics of him after his first cut.His coat had been very long and I couldn't imagine what he'd look like with shorter hair. I talked to the groomer and told her I wanted him left around 2" long.  I had him cut down like this more than once. He's almost 2 yrs old now and his puppy coat is mostly gone (yay!). Right now his hair is quite long, but I plan to have him taken down to 2" again soon - just for ease of grooming for both of us. :-)

Taylor --- I agree with you on Bella's coat, it is beautiful especially with her new haircut.  It is really hard to know what their coat is going to look like when you give them that 1st haircut.  I think that Huff's coat is very similar to our Sophie.  I was terrified to give her her 1st cut because I didn't have a clue how she was going to look.  I finally got up the nerve just after her 2nd b-day and I did it myself because I just couldn't bring myself to let a groomer do it and risk not getting what I wanted.  I figured at least if I did it myself, I only had myself to blame.  Once it was finished, I loved it.  Her coat is a little course, particularly in her rump area, but everyone always comments on how soft she it.   I find that when she is cut shorter, the shedding is much more bearable. 


The first picture is when she was just over a year old.  Her hair actually parted down the back because it was so long.


This picture she has gotten much thicker, and although she is longer, the part has filled in.  This was right before her 1st haircut.

Here is the final result of her 1st cut.  I think that Huff would probably look similar.


Ya, I do think that Huff would look similar. I don't know if you noticed, but Huff's coat parts down the middle too haha:) It is not so much for the ease of grooming that I want to cut it, but to see how he would look and so he is not as hot when the summer comes around. How long is her coat in the last picture. My mom and dad want it to be at least more than 2 inches. I know that if you shave them down, the hair will not grow back the same but I haven't seen a clipper comb that is longer than 1 inch. I guess, it would have to be scissor cutting?
Does it grow back the same for Albus?
Agreed. Darwin's hair has always grown back exactly the same.
I agree.
Ned and Clancy are scissor cut.
was Sophie hand cut with scissors or with a trimmer? I was about to get my Cody professionally groomed, but they said that they'd have to cut him very short as their longest length trimmer... it seemed too short to me, so I am now attempting to hand cut him with scissors myself all over.. I like the look of Sophia and wond if I've just gone to the wrong groomer?
Denise, we have our doodles scissored by our groomer.  She does not use a trimmer.
that would explain it.. guess I need to find a groomer that will scissor Cody for us.. or keep trying to perfect my technique. Thanks!
I don't know exactly which part of Huff's hair is the puppy coat because it seems like the top of his coat is is kind of wirey  and under neath that, it is soft and kind of fleecy. Maybe that is his adult coat? Would a hair cut get rid of his puppy coat? Oh my goodness, I have so many questions haha:)



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