Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

after many nightmares, I decided to give Samantha a little grooming. I got 'estimates' of too much money for a little trim. I prayed and prayed the GG would listen and she was!! I trimmed a little, then a little more and she looks great. Her coat around her neck up to her ribs was different lengths so I used my hairdressers technique of combing up and trimming along my fingers. I didn't do a bad job. if I say so myself! I am thrilled to find that her coat is soft instead of that wirey feel. I got through a third of her body when she had enough so tomorrow I will do a little more.
Thank you all who gave me advice about how to do it!
Oh, I did pray OGGG please don't let me mess this up! I think I chanted it over and over and over again.
DH is thrilled also!!

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We knew you could do it!
I didnt feel weill this afternoon and took a 3 hour nap. so poor samantha has had to endure my new found trimming skills (and so didn the beige carpet). It is 2am and I just decided that she had enough. She has the puppy coat I wanted. I hope in the daylight she doesn't have any bare spots tho I don't think she does.
Thank you Doolde Grooming Gods and Barb!!!!
Hi Adrianne - Isn't it gratifying? I really love trimming my dogs up. And it is wonderful to do it in 2 - maybe even 3 stages. Easier on everyone.
It certainly is! Today I trim her legs. Then a bath. I just hope with the thin hair trimmed off they look a little fuller. She really is a long haired lab for the most part with her slightly wavy hair. I hope she doesn't have chicken legs when I am done.
It would be more fun if we had "progress" pictures. :oP
I would love to post the before and after pics but I have to wait to get my camera back. we went Wednesday night to visit DH aunt and uncle close to a 2 hour drive. I left my camera there and I am waiting for the mailman to bring it back. Not too bright! I missed many a pose of Samantha just loving her new do.



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