Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, I've been reading a lot of discussions on shampoos and it seems that Tropiclean is very popular.  Myla doesn't have any allergies or problems but because she swims so much and we are always camping, I want to bathe her often but am leery of drying out her skin.  Tropiclean is expensive in Canada and I still have to do some research to see where I can get the best price , I was just wondering which one of their products I should buy.  The "berryclean" seems to be the deep cleansing but a lot of you are raving about the 'Kava".  If Myla has no allergy problems but needs to be bathed often, what do you recommend????

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Here's the one we use with Cooper ,really gentle on his skin...
2 pics attached.
I have been using the Tropiclean Kava and like it. I also bought the detangler spray to go with it, but don't use it every time. Molly is a digger and has had several baths lately :)
We use the Kava and love it. It is soapless, so no worries about drying the skin out. Enzo spends a great deal of time in our pool and the salt makes her coat dry feeling. The TropiClean makes her coat super soft and great smelling for days after.
We use the kava and the berry clean both and love them. We've also used the Earthbath puppy and we loved it's the same scent as the berry clean by tropiclean. The last one we've tried and would recommend, is the cloudstar Buddy wash and Buddy rinse... It smells great with lavender and it's very subtle and clean smelling. We use all of them, love all of them and buy whichever is most reasonable at the time. :)

Thanks for other options!  I will definitely price them out!

Another vote for Kava! LOVE love love it!

Thanks everyone! 



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