Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Winston is getting his first haircut this weekend and it's been making me wonder what kind of coat he has. I've looked at the pictures on here but nothing seems just right. He almost seems like a combination. Pics attached

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I guess my phone will only let me upload 1 at a time :-l
Last one

Winston has a similar coat to my puppies coat. I think it is a soft fleecy coat but I'm no expert on it.

My 8 mo old has exactly the same combo as your pictures. Curly near the skin and straight at the end. I am taking my guy for his first haircut this Friday. What did you instruct the groomer to do? What length? Can you send a picture of his "new" look?
I know for Winston, I showed her a few pictures. Having poodles growing up I knew what I DIDN'T want. I told her no "pompadour" on the head (I know how fast that can grow out and look silly), no shaved face, and absolutely no shaved feet. I also told her I wanted his ears cut short because those tend to grow out fast too and they start to drag in everything. After taking a look at the pics she said, so basically you want him one length all over. So I guess that's what she did. I also told her I didn't want him to look like a poodle, but a doodle even though I know groomers hate to hear that phrase. The end result was great, she did an excellent job. She did mention with his coat type it was hard not to make him look poodly but she did her best. Pic attached is from about a week and half after when the frizzyness settled.

I think he is a curly/wavy fleece. You can't tell by the ends of the shaft. That looks like dry puppy coat. If there is any shine to the coat then it's fleece. Some fleeces are more cottony and wool has no shine. It might be like this coat which is fleece. The second pic is Angel at 8 months with her puppy coat still and I think it looks like your boy.

His looks almost exactly like the dog above! His is frizzy and dry on the ends from me brushing it so much lol. It's normally really soft and shiny and he doesn't shed at all. I guess it would be fleece because there's no coarseness to it. his curliness around the face always threw me off.

The pic of Angel's face as an adult shows the shine. In the lower one her coat is a dry puppy coat. Angel has some new fleece babies with fleece. This is what a fleece 4 wk puppy looks like.

oh my goodness. You can just send this little fur ball of cuteness right to my house.

he looks just like Sophie coat wise. Its really thick and kind of wavy when not brushed towards the skin and then light and frizzy because of all the brushing on the top. This is from jan 2013 right after she got groomed. You can still kind of see the thick wavy hair on her head.

Yep! Sophie's hair is just like my Chopper's. I hope it does not change when he sheds his puppy coat. I love how soft it is. He is almost 6 months old now and it is getting pretty long. Here he is sacked out for the night next to his bed where he stashed a stolen empty box of Mac N Cheese and one of my younger son's homework pages. :/

His right front leg is shaved where the vet ran the IV for his neutering last week. I hope it grows back soon. He looks like he has mange. :(

I took Sophie to the groomers right before her surgery and had them trim where she would have been shaved and then told them they wouldn't need to when I dropped her off. They sure don't take any care when they trim anything at the vet. Sophie has gotten thicker the old she gets. Its like 4 doodles worth of coat crammed in one but still super soft.



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