Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Oh Man, I'm so upset. My wife took Brody to Petco for a grooming before Easter today for a bath and a hair cut. When I came to pick him up, he was SHAVED!!! 


I thought I had been keeping up with his dematting while his coat changes, but aparently they claim otherwise, and that shaving was the only option.


My poor dood is shaved down to about a 1/4" cut. His tail is shaved, too. They gave him these strange puffy cheeks like a shnauzer and a dome on his head like a poodle.


I honestly thought they were giving me the wrong dog until I saw his collar... I still wasn't sure but then he farted and I knew he was mine. LOL!


I'm so upset, that I want to cry. I dont even recognize my Brody. He still has his loving, soulful eyes, and his offensive gas, but that's about it. I cant wait for him to grow back.


Who's that strange dog with Brody's collar on????










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This happened to us the first time we took Saphira to Petco, too!
(I have a feeling they have NO idea how to cut a doodle.)

My youngest daughter cried right there in the store and said it wasn't Saphira.
(She'd come in with 5 in long hair and left seriously bald.)
I was so sad.
It grows back. It might be upsetting now but.......take pictures so you can laugh later!!.
I am so sorry. I know this happens often because we didn't realize that we weren't getting to the skin when brushing/combing, but I also think it happens because the groomer doesn't want to take the time or doesn't know what to do. At least it will grow and while it does he will be a breeze to brush.
I was hoping to see some.
i'll see if I can dig up some of Saphira, too! (It was 2 years ago)
Updated original post...
Well, he will grow.
Common story unfortunately.
I trained a groomer in my town to do doodles and she was incredulous when I showed how I did them. She said later that it really started making her think 'out of the box'. She posted the picture of my Ruby on her groomers forum and apparently started a seriously angry thread.
Groomers were telling her that the dog didn't look groomed and the method was nonsense. Sigh. Maybe one day groomers will learn to make the customers and the doodles happy.
I have been thinking I should go on the road with my doods to grooming schools and do demos but they would probably drum me out of town.
I've had one angry groomer call me.
I think the grooming demos sound like a great idea!
Whistler can back from just a bath and I TOLD THEM NOT TO CUT HER HAIR.. Well they just took a bit off from around the eyes and feet. The feet I get, but the hair around her face gives her character.... Sorry about Brody but you have modivated me to go brush Whislter's hair....
I have heard so many horror stories about doodles either ending up like totally poodles or pretty much naked! That is why I groom my dogs myself. If they look bad, I have no one to blame but myself. :-)
The good news is doodle hair grows FAST! Brody should be looking like himself in just a few weeks. In the meantime, he'll be easy to wash/dry/brush. :-)
Most groomers don't have a clue what you're supposed to do with doodle coats. Even with pictures, I've still seen beautiful coats ending up an inch long. Well, I've had that happen with human hair stylists, too. LOL
When you're out and about, if you see a doodle that looks really good, ask who the groomer is...that seems to be the best bet in finding someone who understands the "breed."
I don't ever want to have Whistler shaved... do I have to?? Won't she just naturally lose her puppy coat?
She won't naturally lose it. If she is a non-shedder, the only way it can come out is by you brushing and combing it as it is ready to come out. If you don't you will be looking at shaving because the mats will be so bad that they can't be brushed out. There is lots to know and lots to learn. Join the grooming group and start reading the discussions. Not all doodles have difficult coats, but be prepared for the 'coat change' time. If your doodle sheds, you won't need to brush out the puppy coat per se, but Whistler will still need brushing.



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