Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

HI there everyone. I am looking for a doodle for an 8 year old Autistic Boy with allergies. They would like a light colored female and can pay around 500 dollars. I know its not much, but they are not a family with huge resources. If anyone knows someone who has a young dog like this or would like to help, please let me know!

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Check the group "Labradoodle Puppies for Sale" -- I believe someone there has reduced puppies to that amount. But shipping would be extra. You will be hard pressed to find a doodle that low priced...especially a non shedding one of a high generation (first generation can all shed still). Have they contacted breeders? Be careful, or warn THEM, that going with a cheap breeder may be cheap NOW...but they could end up paying later for health problems in the dog if it doesn't come from health tested parents (and thus is more costly to buy).

Also have them put in an application with -- they have rescues that might fit the bill and will let them know when new rescues come in. Also have them check our group here called "Doodles in Need Help" as doodles in rescue are listed regularly for various parts of the USA.

DON'T buy from a breeder that doesn't health's not worth the risk! But do contact good breeders as sometimes they are willing to donate puppies either to programs or to individuals. Depends on if they are working with a special training program for their autistic son.

My last thought is they should NOT be picky about color or gender if their budgets are tight. They need the right "personality" FIRST---cream female doesn't mean it will be a right fit for their needs...tell them to keep an open mind. Also consider the standard poodle which is COMPLETELY NONSHED. And since he has allergies, better to meet the pup first (which eliminates the option to have a pup shipped i guess) to be SURE he won't be allergic!

Good luck!
HI Adina,
Let me explain a little. Some Autistic children respond to different things. For example this little guy gets very exctied about fuzzy light colored dogs. On the other hand he fears dark colored dogs. Also, the sex thing is important for him because he WILL play with a male dog's Grin. He is not desperately allergic and has been around several fleece coated, and wool coated dogs during his testing here with no reaction. We are not being picky out of greed or ignorance, we are trying to find a dog that will fit his needs both in appearance and in ability. The appearance is their request on behalf of their son who has specific needs, the abilities and training will be my department. I have been doing this for 19 years and we are very very careful to make sure that each and every dog is properly matched, and supported throughout the process. So, no it does not rule out shipping. I am having some trouble finding the Doodles in Need Help! and Doodles for Sale. Can you help me with that as I would LOVE to look at them. Thanks!
FYI- to find specific groups on, just click on the "groups" tab above and you can either scan all groups or search for specific group names. good luck! :)
Oh thank you soooo much!! ~Mary
I see actually crossed my mind when I wrote my response and I wondered if it was the boy's specific needs (the color/etc) but thank you for clarifying...I wish you luck in finding the right dog for this family!
Have you tried your local golden retriever rescue group? Ours sometimes has goldendoodles and typically charge about $300 for adopting the dog. I have seen dogs as young as 6 months. Good luck.
Actually I would LOVE to rescue more but for some reason rescues don't like to work with private trainers like me. I wish they would as I am very picky about who I work with and what happens to the dogs.
ok, so I got my dog at a breeder in was called Eagle Cross Kennel. It is in a small town called Columbiana Ohio. Last year, at this time, he was a little over-filled with his litters, and opted to "give away" with shots, the remaining dogs in the litter (they had reached an age at which they were getting larger, and people were wanting to pay for the cuter little babies!) . He had charged about 1500 for these pups previous to giving them away. He says that late Jan, early Feb is a really slow time for him. I would try and see if maybe they are offering any of these pups this year around the same time frame....for free! I got my dog there....and he is a top notch....very well bread, F1 goldendoodle. If you have questions, you can contact me, but it is worth looking into for someone that is on a goldendoodle budget, as they can be really pricey. Its just a thought!
Thanks for the lead!! I will check it out for sure. Thanks!
Hello Gina, my name is Robert. I saw a golden doodle on Eagle Cross Kennel and would like to talk to you about them. Would you mind calling me on my cell to discuss? If okay, please provide your e-mail address and I will send you my cell #.
Mary, I got my dog from a breeder in Inman, SC called Doo South Labradoodles. I believe the website is or if this doesn't work just google Doo South Labradoodles, SC. In any case they have a program where they give a puppy away or reduce the price from litters of over seven to deserving families through an application process. They also give charitable contributions out of the cost of each puppy they sell as well as giving you the option to donate part of the price to a charity. I really feel like due to this and my experience with them that you would have a good chance of getting a top notch doodle for a reasonable price or possibly for free. I know they have a litter of chocolates and reds (look to have some lighter colors in this litter too on the website) right now and last I checked the website indicated that they still had some spots open. The owner's names are Ed and Theresa. Very nice! Hope they can help you out.



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