Hi! I am new to DoodleKisses. I have a FlB Mini Labradoodle and had a F1B Standard Labradoodle who was killed in a car accident in May. I just love doods. I can't walk by one without stopping (sometimes it drives my husband crazy:). I live in Leesburg, VA. Terri V
Hi Sophie, You just missed a romp in Arlington last weekend. I think the couples that organized it plan on having another next month. Keep an eye here. I'll post it in the event section again. You can also check on the DCDoodles group on Yahoo.
Hi Kristy. A romp is basically a big playdate for the dogs. A group of people get togther somewhere, usually a dog park, and let the dogs run and play. Check out the DCDoodles group on yahoo. You can get in contact with other doodle owners in the DC area there. There's also a large group of doodle owners in Annapolis that have romps every month. Check out: http://annapolisareadoodles.com/