Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Fountain Falls Goldendoodles


Fountain Falls Goldendoodles

Small hobby farm that has one or two litters a year of English f1 and f1b goldendoodles. All medical tests and a 2 year guarantee. See my websight for lots of pictures and information.

Location: Westminster South Carolina
Members: 12
Latest Activity: Apr 15, 2017


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Comment by alice henley on June 18, 2013 at 11:23am

hello i like your puppies!!! and the best thing is your close to Ga.I would love to another baby in the near future,

Comment by Bonnie miller on June 5, 2013 at 6:28pm
Oops! Picture is upside down. Will have to get the grandchildren to rotate it. I will be bringing one of Maggie and sweet Pete's babies home with me at the end of this month. I hope owners of her litter mates will keep in touch.
Comment by Cathy Goodman on January 19, 2013 at 2:15pm

Our Cotton comes from Fountain Falls Goldendoodles and is the most delicious dog ever.  

Comment by Lynne of Fountain Falls on July 26, 2012 at 4:25am

I Pam and Nike. How is the pup doing.  What does he weigh these days.

Comment by Lynne of Fountain Falls on July 26, 2012 at 4:22am

I strongly suggest that you use a vet you know for the spay and neuter.  It is a big deal for the females.  So sorry Susan had a problem with her vet.  Talk to the vet before hand and ask them about pain meds.  Susans vet, if I got this right, did not seem to think they were necessary! Ive had a hysterectomy and believe me, you want the pain meds!

Comment by Meredith Spencer on July 25, 2012 at 11:17am

Susan how did spaying go with Lula?!

Comment by Pam Reed on July 3, 2012 at 11:24am

Hi Lynne and others from Luna's 4/3/2012 litter. We have now had Lillie (previously Tulip) for a month.  She has settled into our house nicely. She loves all of the children who come and go in our house. One of her favorite things to do is to walk down to our neighborhood pool and watch the children:) She was been a little stinker about sleeping through the night until we recently let her go from 10pm - 5:00 am. Now we're good on the sleep front. Lillie loves food and therefore has been training quickly as we offer treats as we train. She weighed 17.2 lbs yesterday (13 weeks today). How much do the others in her litter weigh?

Comment by Meredith Spencer on June 18, 2012 at 6:36am

Georgia weighed in at 47lb of wiggly love this past week at the vet! We went on a walk at the canal and down to our pond and took a break in the gazebo with my ENO hammock - it was a delightful weekend!  Here are some recent pics of the crazy gal - tonight is our first night of real obedience trianing - fingers crossed!

Comment by Meredith Spencer on June 7, 2012 at 10:22am

Welcome new fountain falls families!  Glad to hear that everyone is doing well :)  Here is a new picture of me and miss Georgia, she is getting SO BIG!!  Haven't weighed her for several weeks, but I think she is around 40lb.  We start formal obedience training on the 18th - wish us luck!

Comment by Lynne of Fountain Falls on June 7, 2012 at 4:43am

Hooray, Jodi, Nike and Chester have joined our group.  I hope more from this beautiful litter join soon.


Members (12)



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