Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Looking for Cooper's brothers and sisters and wondering if they are all as wonderful as he is!

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Jake was born 12/13/03 and his dad is Radar. Jake is a character! He is fun-loving, happy, and full of love! He is the only dog I've ever experienced that seems to try to communicate more like a human than dog, not just with his head and eyes but also with his voice. He joins in with the kids as if he was one of them. They all adore him! Could this be a Radar trait?
Hi, Our dog Bailey, born 12/26/06, is also from a Bambi and Radar litter and he is wonderful too! He is rather tall for a mini as I think he got the poodle legs and he weighs 43 pounds. He is a real mama's boy and follows me everywhere!
He is so smart too!
What's so funny about coming to this site is that I really do believe that my dog is the cutest, smartest dog around, and you learn on here that they are ALL extremely cute, bright, sweet, etc. LOL We have the only Goldendoodle in the neighborhood/area that we know of, so to us he's one of a kind. It's so nice to know how wonderful all of the Doodles are.

We were so impressed when we first went out to Fox Creek and met Amy's wonderful Doodles. We would have taken any of them home.

As far as these being Radar traits--we weren't that impressed with his personality at all--maybe it's in the genes though!
I wanted to jump in and make a few comments. The communication skills of Goldendoodles seem to be unique to Goldendoodles. None of my Goldens or Poodles seem to possess that skill, yet all my Goldendoodles do. As for Radar, he is friendly and very quiet. He is the most loyal dog on my premises. He lives for me. My husband says he sits at the door watching for my return every time I leave. He sleeps on my slippers next to my bed every night. He is always at my feet watching me - always! I never need to use a leash with him as he sticks to me like glue. I couldn't ask for a more loyal, better behaved, quiet, easy going Poodle.
Amy,Your description of Radar sounds just like Bailey with me!  Actually, the other members of my family get a little annoyed about it because he is so obsessed with me.  For example, if my husband gets  home from work and I'm not home, Bailey doesn't even get up...sometimes he goes to the door to see who it is and then just goes and lays down.  Then when my car pulls up he's at the door jumping and crying and soooo excited!  Wherever I am, he is.  He gets a little freaked out if he can't find me.  But, honestly, I'm the one who walks him, feeds him, etc.  Plus I'm in charge of everyone in this house so I think he sees me as the alpha in the house and feels safest with me.  It is funny though!!
Yep--I guess Cooper's got a lot more of his daddy than I thought, who I apparently was not giving enough credit. :-) Cooper is by my side at this moment, and follows me around all day, every day. I now know what the term "follow around like a puppy dog" means! He's also EXTREMELY communicative and expressive. He got sick in his crate the other day and as soon as we got home and let him out, he went and "told" my husband right away that it was there, as it wasn't something we would have noticed right away. I just can't get over how much English he understands, and how eager to please/learn he is. What a joy these dogs are!
It must be a lady thing cause Jake is my shadow. He waits to go to bed w/me each night and won't come down in the AM until I do, no matter what time it is. We were on vacation at the shore w/another family, who just adore Jake, and they couldn't believe how attached he was to me. They said they had never seen a dog love someone that much. I feel very lucky. He also is an avid swimmer and all we have to do is put a bathing suit on and he goes crazy! He gives me such joy every day. We do have one issue though-he refuses to go for a walk, with or without the leash. I've tried treats, etc. I used to walk and or run every day and he would get so excited when he saw me with the headphones, yet he would get to the edge of the driveway and freeze. He'd wait at the door crying until I got back but would not join me. Any suggestions would be most appreciated! :-)



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