Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

When my husband's knee went out a few years ago he was frustrated mainly because he could not go out and work in the garden.   For his birthday I bought a garden cart and filled it with small garden tools.  I really don't think he liked it very much   :)   But since that time the cart has earned its keep~~ mainly from me!

Here is a great way scoot along the beds to plant, weed, or just be out in the yard enjoying the summer.,default,pd.html

WTD?  We can't add pictures anymore?  Okay, I'll just attach a file.

 But here is a good idea for some of us  :)   You know who you are!  Stop being Stubborn! 


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FYI~~ I did not realize my file names would show up = The Butt Scoot. Sorry, they are really called Garden Scooters.
I have a garden scooter that is a bit different that I bought on clearance at Target last year. It is all molded plastic and the storage compartment is under the seat. The set has a removable pad that you can use when want/need to kneel when working in garden. It sure has save my back this year.
Nancy, don't you find that you are not so much in a rush, or it no longer feels like you are working but rather just enjoying?
I hate pulling weeds out of the driveway cracks but this year DH and I had a entire discussion and a lot of laughs just scooting down the driveway pulling out weeds.
Yes it is less of a job and more of a hobby being able to sit comfortably while planting or weeding. This is mine... Looks like it is at Ace this year.
I'm going to try killing weeds with vinegar soon. supposed to work and certainly doodle and environment friendly.
I did try the ammonia recipe( posted on leaves of three discussion) on poison ivy~~ it is growing like a happy weed now! So maybe I will try vinegar this time.
I think my mother used to use bleach on PI but I'd probably manage to get it all over everything, although on my garden clothes it would be an improvement!
My Mother's Day gift no wheels but it sure is fun.
I've found you have to switch to "Rich Text" to add photos in the body of a new discussion, and then back to HTML to do your text. But that might just be with my browser or settings or whatever.
Nooooo, not another complicated thing to learn???? Actually, thanks, I have been wondering about the rich text option. I tried to embed a slide show into the discussion entry and it wouldn't work - maybe I should have tried the Rich Text option.
If anyone was talking about me, Joanne, I do have an ancient garden cart I could sit on but I find that difficult to do most of the time. My main difficulty right now is steppingon a shovel to dig holes. Since I can't resist buying plant this is a problem but I get smaller and smaller ones every year. But I did have a helper one whole day who did the lifting, some mulching, etc. Now I've hired the neighbor's son. We had a really good time on Saturday.Can you imagine a 13 year old who can hold a conversation with an old bird like me. He's interested in learning about gardening and I like teaching him. I teased him about having parents who didn't teach him that it's not a small shovel but a trowel : ) He said he was free the whole day but I said "We'll see". After about 1 and !/2 hours he asked the time. I told him we'd quit in a 1/2 hour and he was fine with that. He too has plans that are bigger than his muscles. At $10 and hour he was a godsend and we both agreed to do it again soon. Even better than a cart I think.
This years Parker's Vegetable Garden. I had my little helper fill the pots with topsoil and plant right next to the porch and hose, in front of the lineup of things to be planted. By the way, the basil was abunch I bought for mozzarella and tomatoes. It had lots of roots so I decided to pot it up and see what happens. So far so good.

Oh F. , you are the wise one ( wink ) Your idea is much better.

Oh and FYI~~ what makes you think I was talking about you? I even tried to disguise this discussion by saying
'aching backs' ... not ' aching butts'

Oh, that's right, you said your knee hurt not your butt! hahahaha.



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