Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

"Doctors bury their mistakes, Architects cover them with ivy." - Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright, who was a great architect, was not the nicest man. He had some pretty memorable statements, though. He also said, when asked his occupation, when he was being sworn in for a trial, "I am the world's greatest architect."  Later when asked why he responded that way he relied, "Because I was under oath." : ) At any rate he was right about hiding things.Plantings can be a wonderful way to camouflage unattractive structures, improve the view and make things prettier in general. Some would say, and have said, my garden is wild but I prefer to think of it as natural. No neatly edged lawns here.

Gardeners plant anything and everything or let them plant themselves to conceal them. When I first saw my house I had no idea there was a big studio/garage across the brook behind my side yard. Here is that studio in early spring:

and now:

My garden shed is an even more dramatic example, Early spring:

and now:

Needless to say I don't really use the shed. I also lost 2 large pine trees a few years ago. Nature took care of covering one stump and I'm helping her with the other. There is a stump under here:

And here is the other, clearly in need of more planting!

Anyone else have examples?

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Both of my stump issues came from white pines too. The bare stump above, is barely visible anymore. Some things I planted and some planted themselves : )

You always have interesting variations on plant names. What is Widow's Curse?

Yes, now I know it : )



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