It's time for the pests to start showing up. I thought some of us might need a refresher in Poison Ivy. Gee, I just went through 2 song tiles in 3 sentences. I do not let it be, however. I try to pull the poison ivy when it's small. I take a newspaper plastic bag to cover my arm,
carefully pull the ivy and then
carefully invert the bag and put it in the trash. If you think the plant has touched you at all, a followup wash with soap and water should take care of the problem. Your doodle could get the plant's oil on it's fur and you in turn could get the rash from petting the dog.
This ivy was not growing here, merely posing for pictures. The young growth is reddish. any part of the plants , or even inhaled fumes from burning it can give you the rash. Remember "leaves of three, let it be", There are many innocent plants in this category, however.

Anyone with pictures of some other pest like poison oak? We don't have that in the east.