I live in a condo, but I do have my own backyard space. It's a decent size area that sits between the back of my townhouse and the back of my 2-car garage. About 1/2 of the space is taken up by a deck, so that doesn't leave much room for an actual yard. What would be yard space is split into 2 sections by a walkway made of decking material that goes from the deck to the garage. One section is covered with river rock. My air conditioner unit sits in the corner of this section, and there's also a tall bush-thing that I can't seem to kill. Halas sometimes goes to the bathroom on this side of the yard. (Most of the time, we're going on walks for him to do his business, but first thing in the morning and after dark, I just let him out into our crappy little yard.) The other section has a tree in the corner, with a small number of pavers surrounding the trunk. The rest of that section is grass, if you can call it that. That's where I would like Halas to be able to go to the bathroom, or maybe even lay in the grass if he wanted. But he absolutely hates that part of the yard. I can hardly get the grass to grow, possibly because there is very little direct sunlight in that small (probably 9 ft x 9 ft) area. It sits between the garage and the house, with a 6 ft privacy fence on the other 2 sides, and the giant tree. So it is pretty shady most of the time. When it does grow, I have a hard time keeping it a decent length. I have one of those little manual push wheel mowers, but even that is almost too big for the space. And then the cut grass just lays on top of the other grass and kills it. I can really cut the whole area with lawn clippers, but then it's really uneven. And no matter what the length of the grass, Halas just doesn't like to go to the bathroom there. So we both think our yard sucks. Anyway, I've been thinking about giving up on the grass and putting something else there. It would be nice if it were green, because I think Halas might like that if I can keep it up, but I'm not sure if anything will grow well there, considering the lack of sun. I've thought about replacing it with pea gravel or something like that, but I was curious if anyone else has used that in a large section of their yard, and whether or not their doodle liked to go to the bathroom or just play around in it.
So to summarize, my yard sucks, and I just don't know what to do. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions considering my lack of ability regarding keeping grass alive? Something easy to maintain that a doodle might enjoy? Oh, it might help to know that I live in central Illinois.