Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So it's finally sunny here today, and while I was out in the yard with Jack just now, I see what looks like carrots lying in the dirt/mulch under my viburnum hedge. But when I looked closer.... Shocked !!!!!
My daughter is out of town with my camera, but I was able to find photos and an article about this extremely strange (and kind of funny, in a nasty way) fungi on line. Get ready to laugh and/or be disgusted. Warning: R-rated!

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I have that! It looks like dog weenies, right?
The mulch I got for cheap at Home Depot barfs orange foam every few days too.
The mulch that's left in that area was installed by landscapers, and it looked and smelled very nice at the time; some kind of wood-chip mulch. I've never had any kind of foam from it, orange or otherwise, and never anything like this!!!!! I've never seen anything like this anywhere!
We've had non-stop rain for weeks, and there are mushrooms popping up everywhere, but they are just plain old mushrooms. This stuff seems to originate with a big glob of round white mushroom-y fungus.
It may also be telling that when we came in from the yard, Jack vomited up all the food he's eaten so far today. I know he didn't eat any of this stuff, but his ball may have rolled near it before I noticed it. Needless to say, I've just removed it from the yard. The funny thing is, I really think it's kind of cool, or at least fascinating. But not in my yard where it may make my dog sick!
Poor, Jack. I hope he feels better soon.
Most of my shrooms came from a specific bag of mulch that went in my front, dog-free yard. But there are a few in the back.
Tell JD that I'm really sorry that I was so busy laughing hysterically, that I completely overlooked the fact that he was sick! It wasn't until I saw Melissa's post that I got off the floor and stopped laughing. Tell him that Guinness and Murph see absolutely no humor in anything that makes him throw up, and they are shocked and dismayed with their Mom for overlooking the one very important point in this post. Okay, now that I've said all that, I'm going back to looking at the pictures and laughing.
Your RV trip to the Stinkhorn Hall of Fame had me laughing out loud in the grocery store this afternoon. Tell G & M they might have to make room for a reallly big brother if their mom keeps making a certain old lady walk around the grocery story laughing to herself...I think that might be grounds for commitment!
Don't you boys are telling me there's no way they're going to let Aunt Karen be "committed"....they don't know what that that is, but I told them it was bad. We will just swing by on our way to the Stinkhorn Hall of Fame and get you OUT OF THERE...humm we better figure out where that Hall of Fame is. We could all go together. They really, really want to meet JD in person anyway.
You are safe. I used to identify psychotic people on the streets of NY but now everyone seemingly talks to themselves with a bluetooth gizmo in their ear.
Holy Red Rocket, Batman. Too funny.
All I can say is WOW!
LMAO...This is NOT's clearly "X"....and right here on DK, in the Garden Group! I'm ready to rent an RV, pack up the Doods, and head for the Stinkhorn Hall of Fame for our Summer getaway. Now I just have to convince DH. I'm bumming that you don't have your camera...think of how you could decorate Your Page with those photos, especially if JD was posing with the "nasty fungi".
I agree with Jane, X rated for sure. and Disgusting--ugh. Thankfully I've never had the pleasure of these monstrosities.



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