Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

No, we are not talking underwear. Even the most northerly of us, I hope, are starting to see signs of spring. Please show us your flowers and whatever else is of interest in the spring garden.

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I'll try again. Starring in my garden now:

First I thought azalea, but no, I think it's a rhododendron?
Nope , a cold hardy camellia. But I was in the midst of doing a bunch of pictures and the rest escaped. I've been battling gremlins.
Sorry about the gremlins, but the camellia is beautiful. The bud reminds me of ranunculus.
The bud does look similar on this camellia. What is your planting zone?
Zone 5.
The hardiest camellias I know of, and they are a relatively recent development, maybe 20 years, only go to Zone 6. I have mine up against the porch with a border of yews surrounding them for protection and they have survived.
Things are a bit in-between in my garden at the moment; some early bloomers have faded and the next round has not quite started. But here are a few blooms that are still somewhat perky:

All of these were planted by a former owner quite some time ago, I believe. I moved into the house in November, so that first spring and summer were filled with surprises!
I love your hyacinth and jonquils! Beautiful!
There's a clump of white jonquils with rose pink centers, but those bloomed first and are all faded now. Next year, I have to get photos earlier.
Lovely spring bulbs and I really love that you're already planning ahead for next year's post : )



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