Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last week was our annual Spring flower show.  I go every year, and it always seems to "brighten my world" after the long Winter (especially this year).  I wish I could describe how wonderful the "smells" were in this greenhouse.  Here are some of the photos I took.  Happy "Almost Spring"!

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Oh Jane!  Thank you for sharing these.....your photos are stunning!!!!
Wow, what beautiful and vibrant photos, Jane.  You did a great job!  Wow again!  : )
Oh, those are beautiful!!!  I think F. is going to be very jealous that she didn't get to go...she is going to love seeing these photos in her "garden group"!  Nice and sunny here and almost 80 yesterday...Tsunami heading our way possibly!!!

Hope you are all okay & safe there for the tsunami!  I was very worried too last night, could'nt sleep! I have family still there on Oahu and i read online about the multiple eathquakes under kilauea volcano on the big Island  but the waves were like 6 ft and all is well.


Beautiful photos! :)  Lovely to see spring flowers!
I can smell them!! Well, almost. Beautiful pictures. Flowers do perk up the mood. I used to go to flower shows at times but they were often too crowded. I am going to the orchid show at the New York Botanical Garden. I may even schlep the dSLR. Come on down!
The orchid show sounds like such fun.  I love orchids but I just never have had luck getting them to blossom after the first time.  Have fun!
As to reblooming of orchids, I've never had it happen either. I have a mini orchid on my kitchen windowsill now, lovely leaves :)
Wow!  Beautiful photos!



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