I have some young trees in my backyard that I want to fertilize. One is a pear tree whose leaves are getting smaller and sparser each year. The fertilizer (MiracleGro) comes in spikes that I will bury (I have a stake-driver) in the ground, about 2 inches under. I plan to watch the dogs and make sure they don't dig them up, but I wanted to check here if anyone has experience with these. If your dogs were irresistibly attracted to them...or anything awful like that. Thanks!
I have used them on new trees and evergreens(the miracle grow ones) and have not seen that they attract either of our dogs-unless you have a digger. Then, I would just monitor and see if there is any interest on the part of the pup.
Cool! Thank you for the input. Now, I just need to find my stake driver. Grrr. Hubby borrowed it and now it is missing. This is pretty much the only tool I ever bought just for me!