With the Wisconsin autumn in full swing, Patti Cake picks up lots of little burrs from romping in a field by our house with her big sis. What is the best brush or comb you guys use on your doodles? I have a curry comb I use on our golden, but its too big for little Patti Cake and the other wire brush I have seems too rough on her tender skin. What works for you guys to de-burr your doodle?
I use a slicker brush on Leo & Caesar daily. The key with the slicker brush is not to push hard, just pull it through their coat and brush small sections at a time. To remove burrs I bought an undercoat rake. This rake pulls hair out so it should only be used to remove stubborn burrs (their groomer said I should never use it except for spot treatments). Of course the boys love to run through the woods and come out covered in burrs this time of year, but they sure are happy!!