Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on rawhide bones. I've stayed away from them so far beause of risks I've heard of like choking, etc. Rusty is 60 lbs and a very strong chewer! We usually give him bully sticks, or nyla bones, but he seems to get bored quickly with those, or finishes off a bully stick too quickly. We've seen some really big rawhides that would probalby keep him chewing for a while, and they are big enough where he wouldn't break pieces off too quickly. Of course we'd monitor his chewing, but I'm still hesitant.
Does anyone else give their Doodles rawhide bones?

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Hi Loreta - We have Caesar (standard poodle that is father to many puppies from Goldendoodle Acres) and Leo, son of Caesar and Sophia. Leo will be three in February and we have tried many different chews over the years. We eliminated nylabones because Leo chewed them into pieces, ate them and then threw it up. What a mess! What we do now, and have done for the last year, is give Leo and Caesar rawhides, but only American made rawhides. They get the rawhides each day for 20 minutes then we take them away. When Leo was little he had rawhides whenever he wanted and ended up getting sick, throwing up and loose stools. Thus the limited time each day. We have talked to their vet about rawhides and they said they are okay as long as their chewing is monitored. When the rawhide gets small (ie they can be swallowed) we throw them away and start with new. We have also found that the sticks are the best. Anything with knots or twists,Leo pulls apart and gets into little pieces right away. Hope that helps! Cindy
Hi Cindy, Thanks a bunch! We definitely have to monitor everything he chews! He's the son of Gromit and Cinnamin, by the way. Ceasar is so handsome! He's got a great picture on Janece's website! I'll definitely look for US made bones. I bet he'll really enjoy them. I worry so much about what we give him, and I want to make sure he's safe, and healthy, so this gives me a little piece of mind!
Loreta - I have the same dilemma. Both my dogs love to chew but I am worried about rawhide since I got Bella. She is so much bigger than Maddie and can chew Maddie's rawhides in no time at all. SO...I got 2 Nylabone and Bella was not interested and Maddie chewed and chewed and then one day ingested pieces of it. WELL, she almost died! Pieces were caught in her intestines and we were up north in a remote area and she convulsed all night and finally threw up 1 piece but still has some small pieces inside her. She has been vomiting every time she eats solids foods. So needless to say I am not excited about NYLABONES. Maddie is still suffering and surgery may be our next step. Another breeder also told me that 'pressed' rawhide is also considered a safer chew BUT still must be monitored. Any other good chew options are appreciated!
Oh My Gosh! I'm so sorry for what you are going through. That is my biggest fear. I'm one of those overportective moms-of my son, and our Doodle! I read about everything before I give it to him. He's been ok with his nylabone so far, but I'll defintely keep my eyes open. Thanks for the advice about the pressed type raw hide bone. I'll keep that in mind when shopping. He used to love bully sticks, (still does) and they would last for days, then as he got a little bigger, he eats them like a treat in about 20 minutes. Gotta watch those, too, though, as small peices can be swallowed.
You'd think that by now there would be an ultral safe, fun chew toy for all dogs.
Loreta - I did try a product from N-bone (I think a knock off of Nylabone) but this is an edible bone. I got a big one for Bella and a smaller one for Maddie. They worked and worked on those. Needless to say I kept a very close eye on them. The N-bone is pretty similar to the hard EDIBLE Nylabones. They are completely digestible. Again, as with anything keep a close eye. I don't allow my dogs to wander off with their bones. When I have paperwork to do or I know I will be in one spot for awhile, that's when they get their chew bones. Now the store I bought the N-bone from doesn't carry them any more. (And neither do the other large chains!!!) Wouldn't you know it. I am going to visit a pet nutritionist here in town that carries all natural products. If I discover any good chew toys/bones I'll be sure to let you know! Take care!
Definite NO on rawhide...........My Doodle Lexi will tear them to little pieces. I give her CET Chews. I get them on line or my vet also sells them. They are natural, can be digested and my Vet swears by them. Much better then rawhide.

As far as Nyla bones go, there have been numerous lawsuits against them because dogs are breaking their teeth on them and pieces breaking off with dogs choking. My daughter has two dogs, not Doodles, and incurred in excess of $4,000.00 in Vet bills for extractions and dental work because of Nyla bones. She found an attorney that was already in a class action suit with Nylabone and the company, after a review of the Vet reports, Nylabone actually settled with her rather then have her participate in the class action litigation. I always thought they were a good product, but learned different. Go to this website and you will never again buy another Nylabone .
thanks for the info. I haven't found any rawhide bones made in the US anyway. Rusty does like pigs ears, though. (looks just like rawhide, but its from a pig, or a cow-they have those also. I get them from a healthy pet store in town. I guess it's the same as raw hides, but when he gets to the last small piece I take it away. I don't even know now if THAT'S a good thing to be giving him. I'll have to look into the CET chews. He is a very strong chewer so I need something to keep him busy for a while. Thanks again for the help!
Loreta - you can buy rawhides made in the U.S. online from Drs Foster & Smith. They are cheaper than if you find the U.S. made in the store. I buy a dozen at a time and share shipping costs with a friend who also orders from Drs Foster & Smith. I also find the U.S. made rawhides at Woodman's in Appleton. I don't know if you have a Woodman's in your area but you might try them too. Good Luck!! Cindy
Didn't even think about Woodmans! There is a Woodmans not too far from me, and I'm also familiar with Drs Fosters & Smith.
I think I'll give both a try! Thanks so much!
Loreta - I found a new product that both my dogs love. It's called a Monster Mouth. It is a rubber clam shell shaped toy that you fill with peanut butter or treats. And I must say it keeps my dogs busy for a long while. So I am a big fan!! I found it at Fleet Farm. They have really great prices on supplies. I think it cost me $5.oo.(It's bright lime green) Have a great February.
wow, sounds interesting! I'll look for one. Thanks!



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