Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We just returned from a 3 night beach trip yesterday. While there, Oscar and Lucy went for long beach walks (off leash) 1-2 x per day. Oscar, being the 6 month old puppy he is, put everything in his mouth, and was especially taken with old clam shells, but nothing was exempt from his oral interest and, try as we might, we could not prevent everything he picked up from being swallowed. On the last night there he started having recurring vomiting every 30 minutes. This went on throughout the night into the mid morning hours. Usually an enthusiastic drinker, he totally went off water and refused even small sips.
On the 1-1/2 hr trip home over the coastal range, he slept and never had another bout of vomiting. We fed him breakfast at home, which he kept down for several hours. Then he urped up about 1/4 cup of it. Up until then we thought the worst was over, and our original plan to go to a vet was tabled. I gave Oscar a bland dinner of boiled chicken, rice and sweet potato. Several hours later (around 11pm) the regular vomiting resumed, again into the mid morning hours. At 7am this morning we took him to the vet. X-rays came back clear (no obstructions), but the radiologist said pancreatitis might be a possibility. The vet is running the blood test now. I should hear back any minute. Oscar is only mildly dehydrated, and has only a small amount of tenderness in his abdomen (no fever and no diarrhea).
Throughout all of this Oscar has seemed his regular active self, with a good appetite. The only obvious difference, besides the vomiting of course, is that he is off water. For a dog that would stand and lap up water for 20 seconds at a time, 10x a day, that is a big difference. He has seemed tired though, too, but for a puppy that's been extremely active at the beach for the past few days, being tired is something we'd expect. Throughout the night too, when he's had his intermittent vomiting, he's wanted to be close to us and has laid in a tight ball.
I've scoured DK on pancreatitis info and had no idea how prevalent it is with dogs. In Oscar's case it would most likely have been brought on by ingestion of contaminated water or other organic matter at the beach.
Poor little guy. Oscar's been a hearty, healthy puppy up until now. I'll post the results once I hear back from the vet.
UPDATE: I'm happy to report we had an uneventful night last night. Oscar had no vomiting at all, and slept through the night. This morning after breakfast, he had a poo, his first since Sunday. He seems to be on the mend. He's still not drinking, but I've started adding a bit of broth from the slow cooked chicken I've made for him into his meals, and he laps it up happily. I think its just a matter of a few short days before he's back to his normal kibble and his normal self. This was Oscar's first real illness, and it was kind of a scary thing. Thank you all for your support and caring. I really appreciate it!
Poor Oscar! Hope he's doing better soon!
There have been a number of dogs here on DK with pancreatitis, some of them quite seriously ill.
Jane's Guinness had a very bad case last year, and she subsequently posted this excellent discussion about it.
Important reading for all dog owners, lots of good info. Most people do not realize how serious pancreatitis can be.
I hope that Oscar will soon be feeling better.
Funny you should mention Jane's post, because I read it yesterday morning while at the beach. I mentioned pancreatitis as being a possible cause of Oscar's vomiting to my DH, and he balked at the idea. I've been thinking about it ever since, though. The vet said he'd have the test results in no more than 30 minutes... wonder why the delay...
Pancreatitis is not usually a infectious disease. We have lots of information on DK about it. Jane's Guinness has had it. See what the vet says and go from there Good Luck.
Have you heard anything yet? Please keep us posted..I was in the same situation a few months was terrible!..Janes discussion is very helpful..thank you Jane!
I just returned home with Oscar. The pancreatitis blood test came back negative, but the vet said that doesn't rule it out. Regardless, Oscar is on a small frequent diet of boiled chicken, rice and sweet potato. He was given sub q fluids and no meds. We're to wait and see if the vomiting recurs.
Poor guy, he's such a chow hound that he's gone back to lick his empty bowl about 10 times. He's scavenging around the birds' cages (cockatoos) for any little morsels they might have thrown out. His appetite is unrivaled. Still not drinking, though.
I'll update as the night goes on.
I've added an update to my original post. Thank you all again for being here!
Glad to hear that Oscar is so much better today! I hope he's 100% back to normal very soon.
So great to hear he's doing better! :)
Glad to hear he is doing better.
Oh Debb, how scary! Just came on to figure out what is going on with Riley, and saw this. So glad your little guy is doing better. Riley wants to eat everything he finds outside, and Tess wants to drink out of every puddle, or standing water on walks.....doesn't matter how green or brown they might be....... and so hard to stop them! Hope Oscar is back to his normal self now :))
Great news!
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