Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The Jersey Doodle Group on Facebook wants to romp on

September 20th

11 am meet up - not sure where we will meet yet

after romp Bahr's to eat

For those on FB this is the link to Jersey Doodle Group

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Sounds fine to me. As always I vote for Sandy Hook.
Rippley will be 5-1/2 mos old for this next (our first) doodle romp in Sept. I hope we will have great recall and "leave it" commands to be able to do actually attend! Sounds nice. We have not taken him to the beach at all yet...

Sounds good to me, right now. My vote is for Sandy Hook.


I am glad you are making a plan. Hope all is well.

   If you recall last year the sandy hook patrol was very strict with telling us to put leashes on the dogs and they kept coming repeatedly back to check and getting more angry at us. I came late and stayed late and did have to put the leashes on.

The date sounds good, but would you want to consider somewhere else where that would not happen and the walk is not so very far? Ocean Grove never did that to us ; there is also Asbury Park which has a dog beach .... is a deeper beach, but you have to pay parking. Obviously if everyone still wants to go to Sandy Hook even with the leash issue and the long walk I will happily come.

I now have my new 3rd puppy mill rescue, Benzi. I have never taken him to the beach yet, but I hope by then I will feel safe about it.

One reason I like Sandy Hook is that it feels so safe because the beach is so deep. I haven't been to the Asbury Park Beach but Ocean Grove is small and close to the street.

Yes, I had remembered that is a concern of yours and that is why I did mention Asbury Park.I have not been to the dog beach in Asbury Park this year, first due to Havey's illness and more recently because I have my new rescue, Benzi. However, if others are interested I could check it out to see if it is still  there and if it still allows unleashed dogs or at least does not enforce the dogs being leashed. I have been to the regular Asbury Park beach very recently [last week].          

    There is an ongoing debate about what is going to happen to the beach there. The owner of the land wants to build condo's and Asbury Park itself may be interested in buying the land from the developer to build a park on the beach.      As I stated above, my main concern was the enforcement of dogs having to be leashed at Sandy Hook.    I think you were there pretty late with me when  the patrol kept coming back.    

   By the way, would anyone be up for a home backyard romp next week or in August. If so, maybe I could have one at my house and then if anyone wanted to at 6 PM we could go to the Asbury PArk dog beach.                                                     

Thanks Sue. Is it the dog beach that may be developed? What a nice offer about a romp. I can' take next week for sure. I really never come down that way during the summer. It's just too hard to fight traffic from way up here.

Are Aussiedoodles welcome at this Romp?

Of course. Any non aggressive dog really.
Lisa everyone is invited!! A doodle is a doodle!
I'm new to this group. I've been looking for regular playgroups that meet up in north jersey, but will gladly go to sandy hook for my buster.

If you are on FB join us in the Jersey Doodle Group

Where in North Jersey are you? We are in Short Hills and love to meet with other doodles!!



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