Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sue Robin F
  • Female
  • Wayside, NJ
  • United States
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Sue Robin F's Friends

  • Michelle
  • Lynn McMahon
  • Kyle, Maggie & Jack
  • Jennifer and Jack
  • lynn bornfriend
  • Ricki and Tara (doodle)
  • Julie Casciano
  • Susan and Sasha
  • Jaime and Barley Barker
  • Camilla and Darwin
  • Linda and "Toby"
  • Peggyjayne McNamee
  • Jennifer Tramell
  • Liz Syring
  • Mary Connors

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Sue Robin F's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I am an Licensed Clinical Social Worker and have been working for almost 40 years.
I have had multiple pets for the last 45 years. Usually 2 dogs and 2 cats, but sometimes I have had more than that. I presently have 3 ogs and 2 cats.
I have 2 daughters, a son-in-law ,a grandson and a newborn grandaughter [10/10/09]
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Moses is a Goldendoodle. [11/18/04] He was a rescue from an Amish puppy mill. At first he had many problems. The poor dog was so frightened. he had a very frequent submissive peeing problem, had colitis and was a destructive chewer. However, now he is a wonderful Therapy dog.
I also have , another golden doodle named Zebedee. I rescued him September 2010. He also is a certified Therapy dog.
I also have a wonderful Havanese named Havey. [2/2/00] He is also a Therapy dog. He is a lovely spirited dog. He came from a breeder.

I also have 2 cats ... Bobo & Dabi. Dabi is a ragdoll and very puppy-like. Bobo was a rescue and looks like a Maine Coon. He is also very sweet and affectionate.
All 4 of my pets get along very well.
I just recently lost a 20 year old cat .
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I had 3 different Golden Retrievers for 24 years straight.. I even had bred my Golden at one time.
I adored my Goldens, but all of them had some form of Cancer. Very fortunately my female lived until 16 1/2 years old ... which is very old for a Golden. My males died at much earlier ages from pancreatic Cancer and hemangiosarcoma. Two thirds of Goldens were getting Cancer, but I wanted badly to have another Golden.
I then thought it may be better to try a mix, and I would still be with a part Golden dog. So I opted for a Goldendoodle.
I still worry about Cancer

I am so happy I
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
I take them visiting with me to anyone who allows them to come along.
I also take them on Therapy visits, or on long walks, or to the pet stores, or walk around dog friendly towns, or to doodle romps or just hang in my backyard or inclosed deck with them.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Favorite Doodle Products?
I have many good grooming supplies including Chris Christensen brushes , les pooches brushes and a grooming table.
They have a toy box filled with toys and a kiddie pool.
Relationship Status:

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At 9:19pm on June 28, 2012, F, Calla & Luca said…

Thanks Sue for the nice offer. I am not a huge beach person and don't love the heat. I am hoping we have a romp in September though, the dogs and I enjoy that and it's nice to see folks.

At 7:46am on September 12, 2011, Linda and "Toby" said…
Please do (send me the link to info on your book)!!!
At 7:37am on September 12, 2011, Linda and "Toby" said…


Your photos are AMAZING!

At 7:37am on September 12, 2011, Linda and "Toby" said…
Hi Sue! I love your story about Moses. He is so lucky that you came into his life! (I'm sure you feel the same way about him.) It's so nice that all of your pets are such great friends/companions. It warms my heart to see the photos of your furry companions as well as your beautiful family.
At 3:00pm on June 22, 2011, Leslie and Halas said…
That's great news about Moses!! You must be so relieved.
At 5:56pm on June 13, 2011, Jennifer and Jack said…
I am thinking of you, How are things going?? I have been praying and hoping and hoping and praying..
At 6:27am on June 11, 2011, Sally said…

i'm praying for you and moses....I am realizing that the one negative about doodlekisses is that it becomes such a reality to me that our doodles are not invincible. There have been a lot of doods faced with medical challenges here lately and it makes me so sad. Duncan is my first dog ever and i've only now learned about that bond firsthand. sending positive thoughts your way...


At 8:06pm on June 10, 2011, Leslie and Halas said…
I'm not in the NJ group, so I can't reply to your discussion. Try to be positive. I know that's hard with the cancer history you've had, but be positive for Moses. You can't do much until you get more information anyway
I hope you can get some better news tomorrow. We'll be thinking about you.
At 6:44pm on February 18, 2011, Lisa said…

Hi Sue,

I saw your post about the Shitzu.  I am the  Adoption Supervisor at a North Jersey no-kill shelter.  I have done some work with the Monmouth County SPCA and can tell you they are excellent and will take good care of the dog even though he's being re-homed at an older age.  They really are good about that.  There are also some other rescues I may be able to recommend if you need them.


At 9:00am on December 21, 2010, Ann Kendig said…

Hi Sue, Thank you so much for the holiday wishes!  We are sending warm Holiday wishes your way, too!  Your pictures are great!  What beautiful children, I presume they are your grandchildren?  I hope things are going well and your new puppy is fitting right in.  Hopefully we'll make it your way sometime next year and we would love to meet up with you again!  I loved your Christmas card with your babies!



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