Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone worked with or experienced Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT)?

My trainer has just started giving lessons, and I'm wondering if it really works as the cost for lessons is very high at $50. per session.

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As a former breeder and conformation exhibitor, I believe you are much better taking your dog to a group class.  What type of behavior problems do you have?  Many, many are caused by us and not our dogs! hard to believe but we sometimes condition ourselves against proper training. Personally, if these trainers love dogs, why are they getting rich off of our pups?




Willow is a fearful dog, NON-aggressive. When out in public (only where people are present) she acts as if she is being hunted. Hyper-reactive to all stimuli around her.  


We have been working with Trainers, and the Vet, spending a fortune, although we are struggling very much with the economy the way it is, we would do anything to help our adorable little girl.

I have had that trait in many dogs raised as "kennel dogs" that were not socialized as pups.  These dogs were allowed to remain in kennels without the human interaction during the critical period of their growth.  You have to be calmly assertive with her and not show your anxiety (which I know is hard). Does she respond to food?  Chicken and liver are great. Try to get people to throw tidbits down in front of her without looking at her or approaching her too closely. Gradually and slowly let them come closer. This takes lots of time.  Let them sit down on the floor with their side or preferably back to her while continuing to put food where she can get it.  Eventually she may chose to approach them when she sees they mean her no harm. It is a very, very slow process. Do not rush her. Bless her heart and you for working with her. Hugs from Judy and Oliver! (he's a nut case)

From the age of 10 weeks Willow was socialized every day, first puppy class at 4 months. Your advice is "right on" as this is what we have been doing for 8 months now. The vet and trainer feel strongly that it is an inherited trait. And I do know that after Willows litter, the breeder retired her mother.  

Group classes are terrific for many dogs but there are some dogs who go over threshold (they become so fearful that they are not able to learn-basically they are just in a full panic state) in a group class or other situations who may need some extra help which cannot be done in a group class situation. Several techniques such as BAT and LAT have been developed to help work with dogs in these reactive states.

BAT or Behaviour Adjustment Training is a technique developed by Grisha Stewart to help work with dogs with some of the issues that you discuss. I have used this technique with a number of my clients and had a great deal of success helping the dogs to handle the situations that they are so overwhelmed by. Grisha Stewart does have information online as well as a series of DVDs on the technique if you wish to learn more about how it works. One of the key components of BAT is to be sure that your dog is not over threshold.

I know that it may seem to be very expensive to have private lessons with your trainer but I do not know of any trainers who are making a great deal of money ( with the possible exception of some television trainers). It is definitely a career seated in a love of what you do rather than one in which you are choosing to be a millionaire. I can only speak for myself, but in order to keep up with my education I attend at least 3 to 5 seminars a year, have an extensive DVD and book collection, donate my time to work with dogs in shelters rehabilitating them so that they can hopefully be successfully adopted, and then there is the travel time to get to and from training sessions, gas, tolls, and tools, time spent on home worksheets that are sent to clients at the end of a session, and liability insurance just to mention a few of the background costs in running a dog training business.

Of course since every dog is a unique individual, as are people, you cannot give 100% guarantees as to how long a dog will take to get over their fear issues or to what extent. I would try one session with your trainer (of course be sure to look into her background and be comfortable with her first). See how it goes. If you see some improvement in the session. Then you will have an idea of how this technique will work for your dog. My experience is that it will almost always require more than one session but doing this will give you an idea of how this works and will see how your dog does.

Hope this helps and I wish you the best for you and your dog. I know how difficult it can be to live with a fearful and/or reactive dog and how it can limit your world with your dog but there is hope out there!

Sandra, Thank you sooooo much!  BAT is new to the trainer I have been working with for 8 months now.  She is a Full Member of "APDT".  and knows Willow very well.

My apologies to you! I know there are great folks out there like you. I have just seen some real "stinkers" lately that are only in it for the money. So sorry. Wish you were near us!

I wish she were near us too!

Judy, no problem. I have also encountered the trainers that you speak of which is why I suggested the background check. It is a constant battle to try to help people with their dogs and counteract the work done by so-called trainers who have just watched a few television shows or had a dog as a kid giving sometimes well-meaning advice to people and doing more harm then good.

Patti, it Sounds as though you have a good relationship with your trainer. Has she attended any of Grisha's seminars or watched her DVD's. I f she has not had the opportunity it might be worth it to get the DVD's yourself to familiarize yourself with the technique and then share them ( in a friendly way, not know-it-all way, of course) with your trainer. I am personally hoping to get certified in the technique- Grisha Stewart is still working on the certification requirements at this point but will be proceeding with it in the not too distant future.

Yes, she is ready to give lessons, I will ask her if she has attended any seminars. I am studing BAT also, because I in no way want to confuse Willow. 

I can't tell you how much we love her and how heartbreaking this is for all of us.

Great! Sounds like you have a great trainer. How lucky for your dog that you are willing to help her work through her fears.

Good luck.  I am sure that your hard work and determination will help Willow become the best she can.



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