Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have 35 lb Daisy who is now 16 months and 50+ lb Maggie who is just 7 months. Neither is willing to concede the top dog spot.
Maggie was 10 lbs when she came home at 9 weeks. Daisy was 35 lbs back then too just as she is now. Even then---at 9 weeks---Maggie did not demonstrate submissive behavior. She had been the 2nd largest in a litter of 15. Daisy played with Maggie gently but displayed dominant behaviors.
Since she didn't submit at 10 lbs, there;s no way she's going to submit at 50 lbs.
Maggie is a VERY energetic 7 months old puppy who plays very rough. Daisy is smarter and more agile. She gets relief by tricking Maggie into going outside, then staying in herself.
Anyone else experience this kind of behavior?
We have owned multiple dogs in the past and not experienced this. I was wondering if it was due to closeness of age, the fact that they are both female and the same breed or maybe just both have strong personalities.

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I have always heard that this is very typical for two females. I have a male chihuahua in addition to Peri (female mini). They get along fine. He bosses her around and she backs off.
HOWEVER, we go to my mother's house and Peri plays with her female terrier. Neither one backs down. They behave as you describe Maggie and Daisy (who are adorable by the way!).
They are adorable. Yankee is usually submissive with other dogs but he is bossy with Finn. If Finn lags behind and I have to call him, Yankee pounces on him. If Finn plays with another dog, when he's done Yankee pounces on him. I'm trying to stop that behaviour. Mine are both males so it may be different.
Your girls are beautiful. Hopefully it's just a puppy thing and they will sort this all out within the next 6 months to a year. Only one doodle is high entertainment! I myself will be experiencing 2 doodles come December 12 when our new babe joins our home. There is 10 months difference in age, boy first now female. We also have a 10 month old maltese female who gets along well with her big/little brother beautifully. Best of luck with your girls wrestling it out. I am a twin, and I remember wrestling it out with my sister, we did eventually grow out of it : )
Correction: 10 year old maltese.. I'm not that nuts LOL
Thanks for the feedback. These are really good girls---but they're puppies. And 50 lbs of puppy can get pretty overwhelming.
Daisy was the easiest puppy ever. She is so smart: housebroken in a week; excelled in her training class; loves everyone; very gentle with children and small dogs. And we thought she had so much personality. How could we NOT want another as soon as possible??!!??
Then Maggie showed up---THIS is a dog with personality oozing from every pore. Her tail never stops wagging; she loves everyone; is always content---will entertain herself for hours with balls or squeeky toys.
In a couple years when these girls calm down we will have the best dogs we have ever had.
They are both trying to be alpha dog, I am afraid you will have to step in and which ever one is the instigater you step in and put her on her back and let the other come over. Keep her there until she is calm. Are they litter mates? You are the pack leader. I have three and I do feel it is a female thing. Harlee & Li'l buddy are great both males. Chloe is the instigater here and I am on her more then I like.
Two Beautiful Girls!
Bev,Harlee,Chloe & Il'l Buddy.
They will work it out! My little 17 lb Gracie wants to knock 55 lb Rags out of alpha dog and 43 lb Holly doesn't care she is last place. Happy New Year!



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