Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey Kendra,
I think Dylan's just starting to turn to adult coat. He started to shed a bit, and I've seen 2 mats - and he never used to have them! What do you think I can expect with him? Should I cut his hair short...? He's sporting a shaggy look right now :) which I really like, but I think I might have to give it up for a while!
Any advice?

Iva & Dylan

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How old is Dylan. We are looking ahead to when Sage starts shedding her puppy coat.

It is time to go ahead and clip his coat down, ask for a Puppy Cut. He should be able to sport the long shaggy look again but during the transition they will blow their coat (lose coat) and this causes the matting.
Hi Kendra...wanted to let you know that Nestle is really getting close to Gary. We put the girls together last night. They went to bed around 9:45 and slept until 6:30. They are inseparable. Gary opened the crate and Nestle jumped out and started licking him immediately with Molly right beside her. Our Nestle is a real love bug and prances behind either me or Gary. We are in love with our new girl. She and Molly play non stop. Nestle no longer hesitates going outisde or inside. She loves romping in the yard and playing with the toys. Thank you for such a sweet girl. Oh, I forgot she is one great watch dog. She barks like a larger dog and certainly sounds different from Molly. Hope you are having a great day!! Lizette



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