We are still working on potty training. Everytime he stools, its outside. Not so much with potty. We're trying to teach him to ring a bell..but he has no interest in it, would rather sit quietly by the door waiting. We started by just bring him out frequently, and praising him tons when he goes outside.
Hi Libby, I taught my Tucker to ring the bell. I think for your pup it may be way to early. She needs to get the idea first about going to the potty outside. After that is down- then try the bell. It takes awile, it seems before they understand to even bark to go out. First, it seems as your is doing, they just sit by the door. Patience! It will come. /Pat - Infection Control Practitioner, Phila, Pa.
I ditto the bell advice - my doodle caught on early - and this would be a great time of year to find a good bell. We got a sleigh bell type than hangs down low enough that she can just bop it with her nose. She caught on fast and is now almost 2 and rings it PRN.